Great 3 days in Canada! Redlion has 3 new Canadian Champions!!
AM/Can CH* CBISS Redlion's For What It's Worth, JH
Owners/Jane Pappler and Darren Sausser. Handlers/John Griffith
and Amanda McAllister
12-27 Kitchener, Ont Elora Gorge KC WB 2pts
12-27 Kitchener, Ont Southwestern Ontario All Retriever Society Specialty
Show - WB, BW, Best of Breed 3pts
12-28 Kitchener, Ont Elora Gorge KC WB, BW, Best of Breed and a
Sporting Group 1 !!!! 5 pts New
Canadian Show Champion
12-28 Kitchener, Ont Ontario Chesapeake Club
Specialty Show Best of Breed
12-29 Kitchener, Ont Elora Gorge KC Select

Can Ch* Redlion's Invasion
O/Rob Boyd, Canada
Handler/Peter Scott
12-28 Kitchener, Ont Elora Gorge KC WD 2 pts
New Canadian Show Champion
12-28 Kitchener, Ont Ontario Chesapeake Club
Specialty Show Best of Opposite Sex
12-29 Kitchener, Ont Elora Gorge KC Select Dog
Can Ch Redlion's Lost In The Fourrest
Owners/Jane Pappler and Gary Uhrman
Handlers/John Griffith and Amanda McAllister
12-27 Kitchener, Ont Elora Gorge KC WB, BW
12-27 Kitchener, Ont Southwestern Ontario All Retriever Society Specialty
Show - WB, BW, BOS 3 pts
12-28 Kitchener, Ont Elora Gorge KC WB, BW, Best of Breed 3 pts
12-29 Kitchener, Ont Elora Gorge KC WB, BW,
Best of Breed 2 pts
New Canadian Show Champion
12-8 Ohio Richland
County Kennel Club - BOB
12- 9 Western Reserve Kennel Club – BOB
12-10 Richland County Kennel Club - Select Dog
12-11 Western Reserve Kennel Club - BOB
finishes US Grand Champion Title at 13 months old!!
GCH Redlion's Invasion.
Doc finished his AKC GCH With all major wins and all
his points were collected under BOB wins.
What a weekend
for "Doc". In the USA he has taken Best of Breed 8 of 10
times as a Special so that puts him in the Top 20 CBR's in the US for 2016! Thanks for all
you have done for this young boy O/Rob Boyd, Canada Handler/Doug

12-2 MD Chesapeake KC of MD WB/BOS 4 pts for "What" to finish her Show title
New show Champion
CH Redlion's For What
It's Worth, JH H/Darren Sausser
12-3 MD Chesapeake KC of MD Select Bitch NCCBR
Specialty Show H/Howard Huber O/Jane Pappler and Darren Sausser
12-4 MD Northeastern Maryland KC Best of Breed H/Howard Huber

11-25 Canada Caledon KC, Ontario Exciting news!
Am/CH Redlion's Invasion got a
Group 3 today!! Doc is just a year old. He has 8 pts towards his Can CH, just
needs 2 more to finish show title. O/Robert Boyd, Canada H/Peter Scott
11-17 PA Penn Treaty KC
Redlion's For What
It's Worth, JH WB/BW 4 pts O/Jane Pappler and Darren Sausser H/Howard Huber
11-19 PA Kennel Club of Philadelphia ACC Supported Show
Redlion's For What
It's Worth, JH Reserve
Winners Bitch H/Howard Huber
Redlion's Fast and Furious Neptune, JH
Reserve Winners Dog H/Tina Camp
AM GCH/Can Ch Redlion's Notorious Wren*** QA2,
place Veteran Bitch and Select Bitch
H/Jane Pappler
This is Wren's last show and is retired from shows and trials and is now with
co-owners John/Helen Wiacek in Oklahoma!
11-20 PA Kennel Club of Philadelphia WB/BW 5 pts
Redlion's For What
It's Worth, JH - "What" H/Howard Huber
(photos below for all 3 dogs from Philly shows)

11-10/11/13 MI Kalamazoo
Cluster Best of Breed 3 of the 4 days
CH Redlion's Invasion O/Robert Boyd, Canada
11-13 MD Mispillion KC Winners Dog 1 pt
Redlion's Fast and Furious Neptune, JH
Pappler and Kenny Pontari H/Craig Larson
11-12 MD Salisbury Maryland KC WB 1 pt
Redlion's For What
It's Worth, JH O/Jane Pappler and Darren Sausser H/Craig Larson
11-13 MD Mispillion KC WB - BW 1 pt H/Jane Pappler
11/4 IN Northeastern
Indiana KC "Doc" takes Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best of Breed over
specials to finish his show championship at just one year of age!
CH Redlion's Invasion (HR
Sandbar's Hardcore Hank SH x Redlion's Flying Circus) O/Robert Boyd H/Doug Belter
Show Champion!
11/5 New
Junior Hunter and Working Certificate for
Redlion's Born To Run, JH WD CD RE CGCA
Owned/trained/handled by Dee Bailey, NJ.

10-30 PA MT Nittany Dog Training Club -
new Tracking Test Excellent Title! Judges:
Michele Gillette and Jeff Whitsitt. "Cruiser"
did exceptionally well and earned his TDX. It was thrilling to follow behind him
on that track !!! He was on a mission. I am still floating on a cloud when I
think of that track and that day. We plan to keep going onto VST. He is now
Redlion's River Cruise TDX.
Thank you for breeding such a good looking, fun, athletic, high energy, smart and
sweet boy, my best buddy! O/H LeighAnn Barnes

10/29 PA Pittsburgh Pet Expo - Bella
her Master Dock Diving title!
Redlion's Bella,
Paul Coppa

10-23 NJ Excited to report that "Goose" won the
Lower Stake trophy for the Navisink River Hunting Retriever Club's
Hunt/Gun Dog Test. 16 dogs were entered. Goose did a really fine job!
Gooseberry UD JH WD
O/H Elaine Sorrentino

10-30 DE Susquehanna RC
Redlion's Tide Pond
Sophie SH, Sophie qualified for
her first leg in Master Hunter.
Owner/Bill Davies and Jane Pappler, Handler Bill Davies.
10/23 TX Bryan College Station Retriever Club - first leg in MH for Piper.
CH Redlion's Mtn Island Sandpiper SH WDX O/H Susan Dorsey

10-21 NJ Gloucester Co KC "Nep" goes
Winners Dog and Best of Winners for a 3 point major!
Redlion's Fast and Furious Neptune, JH.
Owners/Kenny Pontari and Jane Pappler.
Handler was Jane Pappler--- except since I had
my hip surgery I can't run yet so I had Ms Tina Camp gait the dog for me in the
ring. This is allowed and very helpful in a situation like this.
10-22 NJ Gloucester Co KC Neptune
Winners Dog and Best of Winners again for his 2nd major, 4 points.
10-23 NJ South Jersey KC Neptune goes
Winners Dog for 1 point

10/16 MD Wren earns her 5th pass to complete her
Master Hunter title! She is now
AM GCH, Can CH Redlion's
Notorious Wren ***c QA2 MH WDQ CGC. Owners Jane Pappler and John Wiacek

10/15 NJ
her second leg of Master Dock Diving distance jumping . This was a NADD sanctioned
event at Sussex County Fairground, NJ.
Redlion's Bella
Paul Coppa. Her best jump of the day was 22 feet!
9/24 Jumpin for Jersey Dock Diving in Tuckerton NJ - Bella got 3rd place in
her fight, not bad for 9 months old. 15' 6"
10/2 MI Monroe
KC Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex
Redlion's Invasion (HR
Sandbar's Hardcore Hank SH x Redlion's Flying Circus) O/Robert Boyd H/Doug Belter
9/17 NJ Navisink Hunt Test (NAHRA) Goose (Redlion's
Gooseberry UD JH WD)
earned her 2nd pass for the Started title.
O/H Elaine Sorrentino Also
Wendy (Redlion's
Born To Run CD DD RA)
earned her 2nd pass for the Started title. O/H Dee Bailey

9/17 MI St
Clair KC - ACC supported show - Best in Puppy Sweepstakes "Doc" -
Redlion's Invasion O/H Robert Boyd
9-10 MD Talbot KC
Gooseberry CGC RN UD JH WD - "Goose"
Scored a
190 in Open B & Fourth place in class for 12 OM pts!!
9-11 MD Talbot KC Goose scored another 190 in Open B obedience
for 12 OM pts.

Redlion Elizabeth's Valour in the Field - "Liz"
This weekend Liz titled at the Saco River HRC.
4 straight passes for her SHR title.(Started
Hunting Retriever) Owner/handler Todd Smith, MA
9-10/11 MD Labrador Club of the Potomac - exciting
weekend. First 2 legs of Senior Hunter for Parker, ran two days in a row.
Fil's first weekend running Parker, was eventful and so fun!
Redlion's Joe's Hit from the Park O/Fil Fina
and Jane Pappler Handler/Fil

9-11 MD Labrador Club of the Potomac - 4th Master
Hunter leg for Wren. 96 degrees and she did a super job on all the tests
both days.
AM GCH/Can Ch Redlion's Notorious Wren*** QA2, SH, WDQ, CGC.
O/Jane Pappler
and John Wiacek, Handler/Jane
9-3 Germany
Redlion's Come Back
Percival competed
at the Germany show/WD weekend and got his Working Dog title.Owner: Dr Gerd
Klaus Kreitz

9-4-16 Canada
- South Western Ontario Rtvr Training Club,
AM GCH/Can Ch Redlion's Notorious Wren*** QA2, SH, WDQ, CGC.
Wren received an Amateur CM!! O/Jane Pappler
and John Wiacek, Handler Lorraine Hare

9-3-16 Canada -
Owner Rob Boyd does great at the CBR Club of Canada's National Specialty Show.
takes Best in Puppy Sweeps, Best Puppy in Breed and Winners Dog/Best of Winners.
"Redlion's Invasion".
8-28 MN - Northern Flight Hunt Test - Neptune
completed his 3rd leg in the Senior Hunter test Handler/Next
Generation GunDogs O/J Pappler and Kenny Pontari
Redlion's Fast and Furious Neptune, JH.
8-28 Oriole Dog Club -
Gooseberry CGC RN UD JH WD got her second UDX leg and 12 more OM points.
O/H Elaine Sorrentino
8-7-16 MN
Hunt Test
completions this past weekend! Redlion's Fast and Furious
Neptune JH got his first Senior Hunter leg in MN handled by Adam Levy and
8-7-16 MA
Redlion Elizabeth's Valour in the Field - "Liz"
got her 4th leg to complete her Junior Hunter title.
Owner/handler Todd Smith, MA
7-23 - Goose gets her first UDX leg on her first try at
Salisbury. O/H Elaine Sorenson
Gooseberry CGC RN UD JH WD

6-5-16 GA SHR Redlion's Notorious
Cool Hank Luke finished his UKC Started Title. Owned and handled by Bill

6-12-16 MD Keystone RC Neptune completed his 4th leg to complete his Junior
Hunter title.
Redlion's Fast and Furious Neptune, JH.
See Neptune's
Stud Dog page.
"Nep" is owned by Kenny Pontari and Jane Pappler. He was handled to his title by
Darren Sausser, Kenny and Jane. A great group effort!

6-12-16 MD Keystone RC "What" completes her 4th leg to finish her
Hunter title. Redlion's For What It's Worth, JH.
Owners Darren Sausser and Jane Pappler, handled by Darren.

5-29-16 UD- New Obedience Title!!
On Memorial Day weekend Goose finished her UD. She went 3 for 4 with scores of 190
½, 193 ½ and 193 ½, all three first placements in the class (Utility A). A special
thank you is due to breeder Jane Pappler for letting me have this little girl! She
is exceptionally smart, beautiful and silly. When Jane first placed this vibrant
bundle of brown curly fur in my arms she remarked: “Here’s the little
troublemaker!” Little did I know, turned out I got way more than I bargained for!
She has an energy level and a work ethic that are boundless. She is my constant
companion- and we’re not done yet! Goose is Redlion’s
Gooseberry CGC RN UD JH WD (GCH Ch Double Coat’s Christmas Joy x Ch
Redlion’s Hit It Rich. Breeders Jane Papplar & Joe Vinci). Goose’s side
kick/owner/traiiner/handler is Elaine Sorrentino

5-8-16 NJ CH Redlion's Come Back
Hudson - Hudson won at the dog show all four days Memorial Weekend to
finish is show title. He took Winners Dog at the ACC Supported show at
Trenton, NJ. Owned by Jane Pappler and Bob Bowden, handled at the show by Craig
Larson and one show by Laureen Camisi. See Hudson's
Stud Dog page.

5-8-16 NJ Redlion's Tide Pond
Sophie SH - Bill Davies has been hunting and training
Sophie since she was a baby. She is a hard going girl and good hunter. Sophie just
completed her Senior Hunter Title
with Owner/Handler Bill Davis. Sophie also won Winners Bitch at the ACC National
Show 2014.

4-30 DE Chesapeake
Golden RC Specialty 1st Am Bred Bitch and Rsv WB Redlion's
Lost In The Fourrest O/J Pappler and G Uhrman H/Craig Larson
Previous Years News
