A quality retriever is one that is
bred to the breed standard, along
with good health credentials of the parents and the dogs on the
pedigree. It is also a dog that possesses the natural desire to
do well in the field, either hunting or in competition.
A quality retriever is a total package - one that has ability,
trainability, sound temperament and is a good all-around
representative of it's breed standard and makes a great companion and/or hunting
dog. This is what we strive for
at Redlion Kennel.
You may reserve a
puppy in a specific litter with a $400 non-refundable deposit by
check made payable to Jane Pappler (not Redlion Kennel). (DO NOT
send mail requiring a signature as we are not always available). I will email
out a 4 generation pedigree of each parent and their photos. A puppy
packet of helpful reading information and training-aids is emailed to you
ahead of time. Some of those items are listed on this web site under "free
information" if you want to take a look. Puppies leave at 7 weeks of age
and will have had their first shot, worming. Dewclaws are not removed, and
have a health certificate from the Vet.
The pups are active and well socialized by the time they go home. A
contract is emailed out 1-2 weeks before the pickup date, explaining the
guarantees, listing the shot info and the dates over the next few months
for additional vaccines that are due and feeding instructions. Photos of
the whole litter are sent out weekly. I do not guarantee sex and
color until the litter is born and will then let everyone know for sure
what is birthed. I make a note of preferences of color and sex and
hopefully it will work for everyone but we can't guarantee. Color
can never be guaranteed except on the Labs if we know what color the whole litter will
Limited Registration:
Most puppies in a litter are sold for hunting or family dogs
and are required to be spayed or neutered. They have a
Limited Registration which means that these dogs
cannot be shown or bred and no puppies from them could ever be AKC registered.
Wioth the limited registration the dogs can compete in all over AKC
venues (except breed showing) and attain many titles. Only a select few puppies from
some litters will be sold for showing and/or breeding and there will be
restrictions/requirements in the sales contract. Breeding is not
for everyone. It should never to be done so kids can have the
experience, nor is it done to breed pets without regard to the breed
standards and only with all health info checked. Much expense, thought,
time and effort goes into a breeding program along with health
clearances, working ability of the parents and much more.
Every puppy has
it's own personality and individual abilities and/or attributes.
Some will make fine family companions while others are geared to
be an active hunting or competition dog and a few exceptional
ones will be the show competitors and be used for producing the
quality dogs for the future. For these reasons above, I
evaluate all the puppies and choose the puppy for the buyer, matching up
what I think the abilities of the puppy will be and which puppy will best
fit what the owner is looking to do with the dog. This makes for a
better fit with owner & puppy and leads to a happy home for everyone.
This is not done until the litter is 7 weeks olds.
and I will not know which puppy is yours until 7 weeks. I have
picked many puppies and shipped them, sight unseen, to new
owners all over North American and many to Europe. After
having spent many years of watching, talking, comparing,
competing, and using "hands on" to learn conformation
and ability, I feel very confident in my selections. A knowledgeable
breeder is one that can go over a litter of puppies at 7 weeks
of age and easily see the differences among the puppies and pick
them out accordingly to help to best fit the new owners needs. When searching for a breeder to buy
from, this is one of the things you will want to find out about
them. Always ask if the parents have hips and eyes
certified and ask if the PRA, DM, and EIC test has been done so that the
puppies will be guaranteed to be clear of this blinding eye
** Note:
We send out photos of the whole litter starting from Day 1 when they are
born. We continue to do this till they are 6 weeks old. We DO NOT let anyone come in to visit/play with the puppies
before they are ready to go.
Too many viruses and health issues these days can be tracked in on
shoes/hands/clothing. That is why we post all the info we can about the
litter and send you the photos each week to be able to show the family and follow
along their progress. So there are no visits ahead of time. I have
lost puppies before this way and so have other breeders I know. We
all want a healthy litter and to have your puppy be here at 7 weeks of
age. Thanks for understanding.
Click below to see the current litters and other dogs for sale

Click here to view:
Chesapeake Litters |
here to view:
Labrador Litters |

Click here to view:
Retriever Litters |
Other Puppies
Older Dogs
(sometimes Started gun dogs for Sale)
SILVER Coat Color in
Official Statement - The AKC
Parent Club of the Labrador Retriever has issued a
statement on their position on Silver colored Labs.
There is
no genetic basis for the silver gene in Labradors. The
silver color is a disqualification under the Standard
for the breed. The LRC does not recognize, accept or
condone the sale or advertising of any Labrador as a
silver Labrador. The Club opposes the practice of
registering silver as chocolate.
Further info/great article by © 2005 Sharon A.
Wagner at
"The Truth Behind Silver Labradors".
Links for
Chesapeakes and Labradors
These are Dogs who have been rescued from
a shelter
or from a home where they weren't
wanted any
longer. |
Visiting Hours by
Appointment Only: 11 am - 6 pm
Phone calls accepted: 10 am - 8 pm - 609-859-3570
View photos of
Redlion Kennel - see where we raise our Dogs |

Redlion Kennel feeds
"Verus" Holistic
Dog Food