12-31 David & Sylvia Holderman Best of Breed and
Group 2 Ch.* Redlion's Western Wishes CGC
(Ch Chesarab Force Of The Jedi x Redlion's Revenge Is So Sweet). As always
Twig was impeccably handled by David. Best of Breed was awarded by Mrs.
Terry DiePietro, group placement from Elliott Weiss. Jane Pappler &
Jean Gilmore are the breeders.
11- 24
Chip continued to make
things exciting for me, and he went 9 for 9 times out in Rally and earned
his Rally Excellent title!CH
Redlion’s Come Back Chipotle CDX RE JH CGC WDX FMX
(he also
has >100 therapy visits)
O/H Claire McCall
What a week for Redlion dogs!!
11- 9 Cheshire KC, Fitchburg, MA
Redlion's Come Back No Fleas WB, BW,
BOB new Champion!
11-10 Salisbury Maryland KC
Redlion's Johnny Weigands
WD 2 pts
11-11 CA
CH* Redlion's Western Wishes CGC
BOB and Group 4
11-12 Mispillion KC
Redlion's Johnny Weigands
WD BW 3 pts
new Champion!
11-12 Mispillion KC
Calabria Adventure
black Lab -reserve WB
Swamp Dog RC
Can Ch Redlion's Hit Doctor** CMH WDQ
4th leg towards Master Hunter - Swamp Dog RC
11-12 Wilamette Valley KC, Oregon CH
Redlion's Fyreworks on the Bay BOB
and Group 4
11-12 TX CH Redlion's Busy Typhoon BOB
CH Redlion's Fyreworks on the Bay
O/Jaunita Schaefer, J Pappler, M Williams H/Marilyn Williams
10/28 Vancouver KC, WA Best of Breed
10/29 Vancouver KC, WA Best of Breed
CH Redlion's Rough Suede
10/28 Vancouver KC, WA
leg in Rally Novice A O/H Anita Schaefer
10/29 2nd
leg in Rally Novice
10-28 Susquehanna RC Redlion's Down the Road 3rd pass towards JH
O/J Pappler H/Q Plimpton
11-5 Del-Bay RC "Monk" got his 4th leg to complete his
Junior Hunter title! Congrats to Qurt.
10-28 Texas
Redlion's Flying Without Wings
O/Jane Pappler H/Collette Livingston WB
10/22 South Jersey KC
- AM Chesa Club Supported Show Redlion's Come
Back Scupper WB 4pts
O/Gina Downin & J Pappler H/Gina
9-29- to 10/1 American Chesapeake
Club National Specialty Show - Wilmington, Ohio
Redlion's Ella Enchanted CGC - 1st place
9-12 mo puppy class and a new WD title! O/Rivas Family & J
Can CH Redlion's Hit Doctor** CMH JH WDX -
New WDQ title, 4th place in Hunting dog class
CH Redlion's Bandito De La Bay WD
JH - new WDX title and "Pancho" made 2 cuts in Best
of Breed competition
O/Deb &
Bernie Rivas H/Deb
Redlion's Griffin - 3rd in Hunting Dog
class O/Brian Summers & J Pappler
Redlion's Come Back Scupper - was pulled out "5th"
in the Open Bitch class O/Gina Downin & J Pappler
CH Sandbar's Stock Exxchange - sired by
Redlion's Big Business won Best of Breed -
Owner/Diane Baker - 315 entries!
Northwyn's Whispering Reflection - won
Winners Dog, sired by Ch Redlion's Short Fuse
Owner/Maggie Fisher
9-17 Mid-Jersey Lab Club - 2nd
pass for JH for Redlion's Down the Road
- Monk 9-16
Can CH Redlion's Hit Doctor** CMH JH WDX
- Joe qualified today in the Master Hunter for his 3rd
leg towards his title. O/B/H - Jane Pappler
9-9 & 10 Lab Club of the Potomac Hunt Test -
Redlion's Notorious"
- Thor
received two qualifying legs towards his Senior Hunter title.
Owneers - Al & Zach Melhus
Handler/Jane Pappler
(see info and pictures on his
stud dog
9-17 Mid-Jersey Lab Club -
3rd leg in Senior Hunter H/Jane Pappler
8-5 Pioneer Valley
KC - New Rally Novice title for Ch Redlion's
Chipotle CDX RN JH WDX FMX -
"Chip "
Judge: Celeste Mead O/H Claire McCall
West Springfield - Rally
Advanced. Chip
clipped the jump, but we ended up with a welcome green ribbon and a score of
8/02 PA New
CGC Title at 8 months old
Redlion's Ella Enchanted CGC
H/Deb Rivas O/Deb, Bernie, Kim Rivas & J Pappler
click picture for a larger view |
7/15 CA Delmonte KC Etries: 3-10-(7-1)
Judge: Charles E. Doran Jr. CH* Redlion's
Western Wishes "Twig"
BOB and a Group 3
7/16 CA Delmonte KC Entries 3-9-(4-2) Judge: Miss
Virginia L Lyne BOB and Group 2
8/06 CA Richmond BOB & Group 3 J udge:
Mr. Lamar Mathis
7-15 VA Shawnee KC
Redlion's Johnny Weigands
WD BW BOS 1pt O/Jane Pappler H/G Downin
7-16 VA Shawnee KC WD, BW, BOS 1 pt
H/Gina Downin Judge/Nat Horn
7-9 OR
Kennel Club American Chesapeake Club
Supported Entry
Judge: Jon Cole
Entries: 5-4-4-2
CH Redlion's Fyreworks on the Bay
Best of Breed O/Juanita Schaefer, M Williams and Jane
Pappler H/Marilyn
6-25 IL Diane Baker reports a new Championship
Ch* Sandbar's Naughty by Nature. Also
her Ch* Sandbar's Stock Exxchange
"Molson" has taken several BOB's and his first Group 3. They are sired
by Am/Can CH Redlion's Big Business
6-25 CT Nutmeg RA
Redlion's Down the Road 2nd leg NAHRA Started Test
O/J Pappler & Qurt Plimpton, NJ
Trainer/Handler - Qurt
"Monk" now as 2 Started legs and 1 AKC JH
6-4 MA CH Redlion's Chipolte
Claire took Chip into the ring for the first
time in a year and a half.
He earned a 97 out of 100 in Rally Novice, which put him in 5th
place. O/H Claire McCall, MA
Can CH Redlion's Hit Doctor** CMH JH WDX
O/Jane Pappler H/Lorne Langevin
Joe" ran 3 weekends in licensed Qualifying Field Trials
May 14 Southwestern
CM (Certificate of Merit)
May 21 Montreal
Qualifying 3rd
O/B Jane Pappler H/Lorne Langevin
May 28 Pine Ridge
See his info on our
Stud Dog page!
Horseshoe RC, Ontario, Canada "Joe" completed the 1st Master Hunter
6-12 Horseshoe RC he completed
the 2nd Master Hunter Test
6-17 Mountain Valley Retriever Training Club "Joe" completed the 1st
Master Hunter Test
Mountain Valley Retriever Training Club
he completed
the 2nd Master Hunter Test
7-2 Sudbury District KC licensed field trial -
Qualifying CM
far this spring Joe has completed all 8 events he has entered -4
Qualifying Field Trials (one 3rd and 3 Cm's) and 4 Master Hunt Tests in a
6-11 CA -
CH* Redlion's Western Wishes CGC
BOB and Group 1 !!!
O/Sylvia Holderman
H/David Holderman Judge: Klaus Anselm
Plainfield KC WB, BW, BOS 1 pt
Redlion's Not For Sale
O/Jane Pappler H/Howard Huber
5-29-06 Union Co KC WB 1 pt
5-21 Elkton, MD -
Redlion's Griffin JH WDX completed the Senior Hunt
Test for his first leg! This is the first handling test for
dog and
owner! Congratulations to O/H Brian Summers
5-26 Back Bay-Knotts Island
Retriever Club, Prince William, VA 2nd leg for SH
5-20/21 Cabrillo Kennel Club shows, San Diego, CA - "Crawford",
CH Quail Run's Ozark Mtn Daredevil, won
back-to-back BOB's and on Saturday, celebrated his 8th birthday with a Group
3. Crawford was breeder/owner/handled by Dana Bleifer and he is a son of
Redlion's Come Back Hank. See his info on our
Stud Dog page!

5-14 "Thunder" earned his NA Title (novice
standard) this weekend at the Wilmington Agility Trial. He had a clean
run and was 15 seconds under time which earned him a First Place in 24" Nov
Redlion's Waves of Thunder
O/H/Trainer - Sue Spachmann, NJ
5-13 "Monk" passes his first NAHRA hunt
test at the Navasink RC in NJ. O/J Pappler & Qurt Plimpton, NJ
Trainer/H/andler - Qurt
Redlion's Down the Road
5-7 Trenton KC, NJ - WD, BW, BOS over 3 male Specials 3 pts
Redlion's Griffin O/Brian Summers & J Pappler
H/Howard Huber

Wilmington KC, Delaware - WB, BW 3 pts
Redlion's Come Back Scupper B/Jane Pappler O/Gina Downin &
Jane Pappler H/Gina. This was Gina's first ever major on any
dog!! Yeehaw....
4-30 Penn Treaty KC - WB, BW, BOB 2pts for Scupper
New Agility Title!
Redlion's Waves of Thunder NAJ - Thunder
earned his first 2 legs in the Jumpers with Weaves

March 4 at Delaware County Kennel Club trials in Aston, PA, with 2nd place
in Nov A Jumpers. The next day March 5 he took 1st place in Nov A
Jumpers and 1st place in Nov A Standard. His final leg for his jumpers
title was earned on April 9th at the Delaware County KC in Wrightstown, PA.,
and took 3rd place! Wow! His first ever trials and 3 legs and 3
placings!! Owner: Sue Spachmann, NJ
April 8 Yosemite KC BOB CH*
Redlion's Western Wishes CGC O/Sylvia Holderman H/David H.
Judge: S Hubbell
April 9 Yosemite KC BOB Judge: Mrs. Keke Kahn
April 15 Sacramento KC BOB Judge Elliott Weiss
April 16 Sacramento KC BOB Judge: Samual Draper
April 29 Gavilan KC BOB & Group 4 Judge: Mrs. Lee
April 30 Gavilan KC BOB & Group 3 Judge: Ms.
Marjorie Martorella
May 6 Mensona KC, Santa Rosa, CA BOB Judge: Mrs
Constance M. Barton
May 7 Mensona KC BOB Judge: Lester Mapes
April 9 Chesapeake KC, MD WB, BOS
Redlion's Come Back Scupper O/J
Pappler & Gina Downing H/Gina Downin
Judge: Mrs Cornelia Howard 1pt
April 1 Chintimini KC, Oregon
Redlion's Fyreworks on the Bay O/J Pappler, Anita
Schaefer, Marilyn Wilson
Judge - Mr Robert J Moore 2 pts
April 3 Chintimini KC Judge - Ms. Judy A Harrington
3 pt major WB, BOW -- New Champion!
3-31 Union County KC
WB, BW, BOB Redlion's Come
Back No Fleas B/O/H Jane Pappler
4-1 Sand & Sea KC WB, BW, BOB and pulled in the
Group!! Flea needs just 3 points for her CH title

Redlion's Calabria Adventure
"Vennie" Black Lab Female - O/Jane Pappler
H/Mary Catizone
3-4-06 Monticello NY KC 1st Am
Bred Judge: Howard Yost
3-5-06 KC of Nort6hern NJ 1st Am Bred
Judge: Clare Senfield
Mid-Jersey Labrador Club Match Show 40+ entries Best
Adult in Match
Best Adult in Match - "Vennie" Owner/Breeder Jane
Golden Gate Kennel Club, the Cow Palace, San Francisco, CA
CH Redlion's Western Wishes CGC
1-28-06 Best of Breed - Am Ches Club supported entry and Group 2 under
Houston Clark
1-29-06 Best of Breed - Am Ches Club supported entry and Group 1 under
Judith Goodin.
The judge commented that "Twig"
was only the 2nd chesapeake she had ever given a Group 1 to!! Congrats
to Sylvia and David Holderman owners and to David who handled Twig in the
Feb 19 - Santa Clara Valley KC, CA - Judge: Virginia Lyne
Breed and Group 1
Feb 20 - Judge: Edith Hanson for Best of Breed and Group 3
under Rosalie Anderson
Mar 18 - Skyline KC BOB and Group 4
Previous Years News