MD - Redlion’s Gooseberry CGC RN CDX JH WD earned her CDX
title in November 2014 with five qualifying scores: four first places and one second place
from the Open A class. Two legs were earned at Oriole DTC (MD) on August 23 and 25, both
first places (196+, winning a runoff; and 194). The last three were earned at the Eastern
Shore Classic: Salisbury, MD cluster November 5, 6 and 7 (Talbot and Salisbury KCs) with
two first places (193.5 and 192) and a second (189). That’s three titles in one year! On
to Utility! What a GOOD girl! “Goose” is owner trained and handled by Elaine
Sorrentino, her constant companion and partner in crime! (Am GCH* Double Coat’s Christmas
Joy WDX CGC x Redlion’s Hit It Rich, Breeders J. Pappler & J Vinci).
9-19/20 Lancaster, PA American Chesapeake Club
National Show Specialty -- We had a great showing at the ACC
National Show. Most of the Redlion dogs we entered got a ribbon or two in the
ring and Piper and Goose completed in the field the next day. Thank you everyone for your
support, friendship and working/loving these incredible brown dogs...
1 What (yes that's her name) - 4-6 mo puppy Best of Opposite Sex
Redlion's For What's It's Worth
2 Hudson- Sweeps/17 mo, first show ever. 2nd sweeps, 3rd in BBE against
the older dogs!
Come Back Hudson
3 Jake 1st hunting dog class, 4th Am Bred
Redlion's Big Jake MH
4 Riley Hunting Dog 4th
Hit N Run JH
5 Schooner Field Trial 1st, made the cut in BBE class
Weatherdeck Schooner
6 Wren Field Trial 2nd
Am/Can Ch Redlion's Notortious Wren**c SH WDQ CGC
7 Sophie Winners Bitch!!!, hunting bitch 2nd
Tide Pond Sophie JH O/Bill Davies & Jane Pappler
8 Scupper 10 and over Veteran-- Best in Veteran Sweepstakes!! and Veteran
bitch 2nd, Brood bitch 4th
Ch Redlion's Come Back Scupper
9 Pancho 10 and over Veteran 3rd, Vet sweeps 4th
Am/Can Ch Redlion's Bandito de la Bay JH WDX CGC
10 Joe 10 and over Veteran (14 yrs) 4th Stud dog, 3rd field Trial dog
SUCh/Am/Can CH Redlion's Hit Doctor** Am/Can MH WDQ
11. Trippe made two cuts in Best of Breed judging
Ch Redlion's Brown Baron of Trippe's Creek JH
12. Joy (from Sweden from my stud dog Joe) Aware of Merit in Breed judging
BISS, SU(U)CH, NOUCH, SE VCH SV-09, AM GCH* Double Coat's Christmas Joy, WDX, CGC
13. Brutus made one cut in Best of Breed judging
Redlion’s Brutus of Bloodsworth SH WD
Piper - Susan Dorsey got her WDX
Sunday in the field work
Redlion Mtn Island's Sandpiper WDX
15 Goose - Elaine Sorrentino
Redlion’s Gooseberry CGC RN CD WD got her WD (Working Dog Certificate)

9/13 MD
Gooseberry CGC, RN, CD, JH (BISS SU(U) CH, NOUCH, SE VCH, SV-09, AM GCH* Double
Coat’s Christmas Joy WDX CGC x Redlion’s Hit It Rich-breeders J. Pappler & J. Vinci)
earned her AKC JH title with 3 legs in NJ and MD. Owned, trained, handled by Elaine

4-20 MD /Baltimore County Kennel Club -
won Winners Dog & Best of Opposite Sex - 2 Points
New Champion under Judge Ms. Bonnie
4-21 Catoctin Kennel Club -
Best of Breed under Mr. Elliot Weiss
He is now:
CH Redlion's
Who's On Deck, RN, CGC
O/J Pappler & Mike and Julie Sestrick
Handler as always was co-breeder Gina Downin
4-14 Redlion's born to Run, RN, BN, CD, CGC
has a new title - Rgistered Thrapy Dog.
O/H Dee Bailey
3-20 DE
Front &
Finish Magazine's Obedience ratings
came out in February and Goose is
# 1 Chesapeake for Novice Obedience
(CD title) in the U.S. for 2013!!!!
an exciting accomplishment for this
Redlion's Gooseberry
and owner/handler Elaine Sorrentino