American Chesapeake
Specialty Breed Show & National Specialty Field Trial
events are held yearly and rotate in different parts of the country. I
have done coverage of these events for the ACC for many years.
Take time to view results and pictures of hundreds of Chesapeakes on the
American Chesapeake Club's website! I love doing this each year and it
is my offering for the breed club and for everyone to enjoy.
- Click on the
left column under "Specialties:
October, 2005, the ACC Show and Field Trial
specialties were held on consecutive weeks in the same
part of the country.
This was the most exciting thing to happen on the east coast in a long
long time for the brown dogs. In one week you could attend and see close to 350
Chesapeakes at the National Show and over 150 at the National Field
Trial within a few hours drive of each other.

Local Retriever Hunt Tests
and Field Trials are in the NJ/PA/NY/DE/MD area from April to
November. You can look for a calendar of dates on
or on the
AKC Website.
If you don't have a dog to run then come
and watch, learn and root for the brown dogs!

ACC supported dog shows are held all over
the US and draw a nice entry of brown dogs. Come and watch.
View the dates on the ACC website at
There are shows each year in Trenton, NJ, the first Sunday in May,
and mid-November in Philadelphia
If you need additional info or have
questions, please email and I will try to help you.