11/20 PA KC of Philadelphia
Redlion's Hay Stack
Best in Puppy Sweepstakes
O/B/H J Pappler Judge/Maureen Day
11/18 PA Penn Treaty KC
Redlion's Notorious***MH
WD/BW 2 points J/Robert Shreve H/Howard Huber
11/14 MD Mispillion KC
Weatherdeck's Boatswain -"Bosun" Winners Dog/Best
of Winners Breeder/G Downin
and J Pappler O/H Gina Downin This
completed Bosun's show championship title!
New CH!! Sire:
MBIS BISS Ch* Sandbar's Stock EXXchange
"Molson" and his Dam is Ch* Redlion's Come Back
Scupper CGC

11/13 MD
Salisbury KC
Redlion's Not For Sale WB for a 4
pt major O/B/H Jane Pappler This was a
very exciting win. "Sale"
finished her championship today at 9
years old over all the young girls.
New CH!!
11/13 MD Salisbury KC
Weatherdeck's Boatswain WD/BW
for a 4pt major Breeder/G Downin
and J Pappler O/H Gina Downin
11-10 MD Talbot KC
Redlion's Notorious
WD/BW 2 points H/Howard Huber
11-7 MD Del Bay RC
Redlion's Notorious Wren
qualified today for her 3rd leg towards Senior
Hunter title. H/John Wiacek
11-4 VA Tidewater KC
Redlion's Notorious
WD/BW 1 point H/Howard Huber
NC Michael Dunn has sent the following
accomplishments for
Redlion's Big Jake SH. UKC Started Title
at 1 yr, AKC JH at 1 1/2 yr, UKC Hunting

at 2 yrs and just finished his AKC Senior Hunter
Title this week at just 2 yrs old. Jake passed
14 of 15 tests in a row. Michael is a gun dog
trainer in NC and guides parties hunting. Jake
was a guide dog for upland pheasant and chukkar
and also hunted on quail in NC and ducks and
geese in Montana. Jake is owned by Austin Dillon
and Jane Pappler and trained by Michael Dunn. (see Michael's info
on the Dog Training Page) Sire; Am/Can Ch
Redlion's Come Back Hank** WDQ CWCI, Dam:
Redlion's Go Pink Breeder/J Pappler
10-24 DE Del Bay RC
Redlion's Notorious Wren
Qualifying Rsv JAM O/J Pappler and J Wiacek
10-24 NJ South Jersey
KC ACC supported entry Best of
Opposite in Sweepstakes
Redlion's Hay Stack O/H Jane Pappler
J/Stacy George
Rsv Winners Dog
Weatherdeck's Boatswain -"Bosun" Breeder/G Downin
and J Pappler O/H Gina Downin
J/Everett Dean
Redlion's Come Back Scupper CGC also made the
cut for Best of Breed with her little "puppy
belly" showing. O/Downin and Pappler H/Gina
Redlion's Who's
on Deck CGC - "Amos" O/J Pappler and M Sestrick
got 1st in the 12-18 mo puppy glass H/Gina
Redlion's Hit It Rich
2nd in BBE class O/Pappler and J
Vinci H/Jane

Stack Hay
Stac k Bosun
10-12 PA Amos
now has a CGC title! congrats to Julie
Sestrick and Redlion's Who's
on Deck CGC
10-7 NJ Morris and Essex KC
Best of Opposite in Puppy Sweepstakes - Redlion's Hay Stack
O/H Jane Pappler
Select Bitch - Ch Redlion's Come Back Scupper
CGC This is a an award giving points
toward a new Title for a Grand Championship.
Scupper now has 3 majors for 14 of the 25 points
required. O/J Pappler and Gina Downin
10-2 Gilroy, CA - American Chesapeake
Club National Show Specialty - Another great weekend.
All 3 of my dogs I flew out with got ribbons.
Redlion's Hay Stack got 2nd in Puppy Sweeps
9-12 and 1st in the regular puppy 9-12 class
O/H J Pappler
Redlion's Hit It Rich got 4th in the Bred By
Exhibitor class. O/J Pappler and Joe Vinci
Ch Redlion's Come Back Scupper CGC was the big
winner of the day! She won Best of Opposite
Sex (best female at the national) What a thrill.
O/Gina Downin and Jane Pappler
B/Handler-Jane Pappler She also received a
5 pt major towards the Grand Champion title
Ch* Redlion's Western Wishes RN
"Twig" won Veteran 10yrs/over and made a cut in
Best of Breed competition. He looked fabulous.
O/Sylvia Holder H/David B/J Pappler
BIS CH* Sandbar's Stock Exxchange "Molson"
received a JAM sired by Redlion's Big Business
O/Baker-Konrad-Gearhart B/H Diane Baker
Scupper Twig
9-22 Chiloquin, Oregon - American
Chesapeake Club National Field Trial Specialty -
What a beautiful place and great weather. I am very
proud to say that both my dogs got ribbons.
Redlion's Notorious Wren **c WDX JH got
a JAM in the Qualifying
Redlion's Notorious**c MH WDQ
CJH CGC -- "Thor"
got a JAM in the Qualifying and a 3rd place in the
Open. Thor is now Qualified All-age with points
towards his FC title.
9-12 NJ South Jersey RC
Redlion's Notorious Wren **c WDX JH Qualifying
JAM O/J Wiacek and J Pappler
H/John There were 38 entries today in the
trial and only 7 dogs completed the four series,
wren being one of them!
8-29 Sweden
SV-09 SEVCH Double Coat's
Christmas Joy "Joy" just achieved the
last leg needed so is a new Blood Tracking Dog!
He is out of Redlion's Hit Doctor and is owned and
trained in Sweden by Kaj and Catharina Lindstrom.
8-28 PA Keystone RC -
Redlion's Notorious Wren ** WDX JH -
2nd leg towards Senior Hunter O/J Wiacek and J
Pappler H/Jane
Quebec, Canada
Redlion's Notorious**c MH WDQ
Club Du Chien Rapporteur De
Montreal Qualifying 3rd
8-21-10 Minto, New Brunswick, Canada Sunpoke Hunting Retriever
Club Qualifying 4th
8- 28 Prince Edward Island, Canada
Redlion's Notorious**c MH WDQ
Qualifying 3rd O/Al & Zach
Melhus and Jane Pappler H/Lorne Langevin
Lorne said the test was very very hard and Thor ran a great
trial! Thor comes home Tuesday to NJ for
10 days R and R
I'll be running him myself now through October in NJ, DE, MD and
Sweden - Swedish Chesapeake Club's National
Show (60+entries) Judge/Robyn Haskin
Redlion's First Navy Jack MM - "Skipper" was 3rd
Best Male. O/ Rebecca Rydel of Sweden and
Pernilla Arvanitidis of Belgium
SE(U)NU CH SV-09 Double Coatīs Shaddow - 2nd
Best Female - Shadow is sired by Redlion's Hit
Doctor O/Kaj and Catharina Lindstrom, Sweden
SE(U)NU CH SV-09 Double Coatīs Christmas Joy
4th Best Male - Shadow is sired by Redlion's Hit
Doctor O/Kaj and Catharina Lindstrom, Sweden
7-31 Greenville, SC Am Ches
Club supported entry, about 35 dogs entered.
Best in Puppy Sweeps - Redlion's Hay Stack
O/B/H Jane Pappler J/Moya Nelson
Winners Dog - Weatherdeck's
Boatswain "Bosun" J/Pruis
Davern O/Gina Downin B/Downin and
CH Redlion's Come Back
Scupper won a 5 pt major
Select towards the new title being offered by the
AKC of Grand
Champion. O/Gina Downin and
Jane Pappler
Jane got to show Scupper, for a change, to this marvelous 'Win!
Gina never lets me get my hands on my own dog very
Wren was also with us and got 2nd of 6
in the BBE class. What a sweet girl she is at the
show and in the field.
7-31 Canada Algoma Retriever
Assoc, in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario - Our deadgrass
boy Thor got a 4th in the Qualifying. Trials are
tuff this year. Only 6 dogs finished the stake.
Redlion's Notorious**c MH WDQ
CJH CGC O/J Pappler and Al and Zach Melhus
Handler; Lorne Langevin