12-9 Virginia - Rappahanock RC held their hunt test today
in the snow and cold water! Real chesapeake hunting sceniero for sure.
Quite a few dogs didn't care for the water but I'm proud to say that Thor
did excellent with Al handling and completed Thor's JH title! Congrats
on a job well done. 4 for 4. Redlion's Notorious
JH CWC WDX at 16 months.

12-10 - new developments with the puppies! Redlion's Not for Sale,
mother of 7 five day old chesapeakes, today got 3 more! Only they are
yellow labs. A friend called in dire need of a 2nd mom for 3 yellow
lab pups as she had trouble with their mother. They were rushed down
to Gina in MD who has Sale's litter and mama Sale took them right in, so now
is raising 10! Gina, Thomas and Sale and babies are doing great!
Thanks so much for saving these Lab babies!
12-3-05 San Mateo, CA - CH Redlion's Western Wishes
BOB - Judge: Ms Kathryn Cowsert O/Sylvia
Holderman H/David Holderman
California - The Turkey Circuit
CH Redlion's Western Wishes (Ch Chesarab Force
of the Jedi x Redlion's Revenge is so Sweet)
Owner; Sylvia Holderman, Handler; David Holderma
Nov 25 BOB Judge: Mrs. Judy Doniere
Nov 26 BOB Judge: Miss Dolores Maltz
Nov 28 BOB Judge: Desmond Murphy
Nov - Fayetteville KC.
Clancy earned her first leg in Rally Advanced
with a score in the high 90’s. Two more to go for title.
Redlion's Sienna Bay Clancy
O/H Stephanie Thomas.
Nov 12 - Swamp Dog Hunt Test
- Redlion's
Notorious got his 2nd leg in the JH O/H Al Melhus - "Thor"
Nov 20 - Maryland RC Hunt Test - Thor got his
3rd leg in JH

Nov 6 -Del Bay RC Hunt
Tet - New Junior Hunter title (picture
River Ridge Open To The Public, JH CWC WD.
"Del" got his 4th leg at the Del Bay Retriever Club test this past Saturday
to complete his JH title. O/H Jane Pappler
Nov 6 - Also running was Redlion's
Notorious got his 1st leg in the JH O/H Al Melhus. This was the
first hunt test Al has ever ran and he was dog #1 so he was very very
nervous but the dog did perfect!
Nov 6 - Also running was Can Ch
Redlion's Hit Doctor** Can MH JH "Joe" got his 2nd leg in the
Master Hunter! We have had a tuff go for the last two months. He did
good work with the trainer but he and I weren't working as a team and the
transition to owner takes some training also and he wasn't going on the
blinds for me. But things are good finally and and we got the completion.
He actually was one of a very few dogs that had no handles on all 3 test
setups. The first setup was a land triple with pheasants and two blinds
up through the marks. Of 41 only about 10 dogs didn't handle and Joe was
October 29, 2005 - Vancouver Kennel Club
WB/BOS Redlion's Fyreworks on the Bay - 2 points
October 30, 2005 - Vancouver Kennel Club BOB - Redlion's Rough Suede
O/Anita Schaefer
BOW/BOS/WB - Redlion's
Fyreworks on the Bay - 2 points O/Anita Schaefer, Jane Pappler,
Marilyn Williams
Oct 22, 2005 - New Canadian Show Champion -
Can Ch Redlion's Hit Doctor CMH WDX JH - Joe
took winners dog at the Belleville District KC for 3 pts and WD & BW 5pts at
the Chesa Bay Rtvr Club of Canada's National Specialty Show to finish his
Canadian Show Championship. O/B/H Jane Pappler
Oct 22 - Belleville, Ontario - Chesapeake Bay Rtvr Club of
Canada's National Specialty Show - Winners Bitch for 5pts was
Redlion's Not For Sale O/B/H-Jane Pappler
Oct 12-16, 2005
American Chesapeake Club's National Show, Frederick, MD - Competition is
always tuff at a national so my goal is to get a ribbon with every dog.
There were 350 entries and some classes had many entries. It was a great
show and even those that didn't get a ribbon were looking good and handled
well. Thanks to Brian Summers, Debbie and Bernie Rivas, Gina Downin &
Thomas and my sister Jean Gilmore and her friend Chris for running dogs back
and forth to the van for me, airing and feeding dogs and being great
supporters and taking pictures!
River Ridge Open to the Public
"Del" - 4th American Bred Dog
Redlion's Johnny Weigands "Johnny" - 3rd Open
Dog & 3rd in Brace coupled with Fyre
Redlion's Hit Doctor "Joe" - 3rd Hunting Dog & 3rd in
Stud Dog class
Redlion's Short Fuse "Musch" - 2nd Veteran Dog 10 years and over
(Musch will be 12yrs in January!)
and 2nd in Stud Dog (dogs are shown
with 2 or more of their Get). This was his last show.....
Redlion's Come Back Stinky "Stinker" - 4th Puppy bitch 9-12
Redlion's Fyre Works on the Bay "Fyre" - 3rd Open Bitch
Redlion's Come Back No Fleas - 3rd Brood Bitch (shown with 2 or
more Get)
Worth noting: Also entered were several dogs who already have their
championship and were in the Best of Breed competition. Unfortunately
this judge didn't take notice of them but they are nice specimens and have
done their share of winning.
Ch Redlion's Bandito de la Bay (PA - Rivas)
CH Redlion's Busy Typhoon (Texas-Freeman)
CH Redlion's Rough Suede (Oregon-Schaffer)
The following day was the working certificate tests and the real love of
these dogs!
Redlion's Comanche's Hope - new WD (Working Dog title) in the
field Bob Fenton H/Jane P
Redlion's Hit Doctor - new WDX (Working Dog
Excellent title) in the field
Jane Pappler
Redlion's Griffin - new WD & WDX - Brian Summers
Redlion's Notorious - new WD & WDX - Al and Zach Melhus
Complete show and field results and pictures of the ACC National Show and
Field Trial can be found on their website at: