11/8-9 MA Ch Redlion's Flying
Without Wings took BOS 2 days at the MA show cluster
O/B Jane Pappler H/Howie Huber
11/8-9 MD
It was an exciting weekend in Maryland. I had dogs at the show in
Salisbury with Gina while I was running 3 dogs in the hunt tests 25
minutes away at Rhodesdale, MD at the ACC Hunt Test.
11-8 Redlion's Trace Element JH
"Ouch" (yellow lab) 4th leg for his
Junior Hunter title!! O/H Jane Pappler
11-8 Salisbury KC Redlion's Hit Doctor
took a 3pt major to finish his show championship.
Joe is now SUCH Am/Can Ch
Redlion's Hit Doctor** Am/Can MH WDQ as far as I know he is only
the 2nd chesapeake to ever have completed both
the American and Canadian
show and master hunter titles. O/B Jane Pappler H/Gina
Downing Thanks Gina for showing Joey for me!
11-9 Ingmos Oxford Landing, black lab,
got this 3rd leg towards JH at the hunt test.
11-9 Ch Redlion's Come Back Scupper
took Best of Breed over big competition! very exciting and Scupper
looked fabulous
O/Gina Downin and Jane Pappler,
B/Jane, H/Gina
11/1 MD Del Bay RC 3rd leg towards JH title Redlion's Trace Element
10/26 OR Marilyn Williams reports that Fyre achieved
her Rally Novice title this weekend!
Redlion's Fyre Works on the Bay RN O/Marilyn Williams,
Anita Schaefer, Jane Pappler H/Marilyn
10/21 NJ South Jersey KC, ACC Supported Show
Redlion's Exxchange Riley was 6 months old today and attended his first
show. He won Best of Opposite Sex in Puppy Sweepstakes
O/Heike Frattalone H/Deb Rivas. There was an entry of 45 and
Best of Breed came down to a decision between two bitches, one being
Ch Redlion's Flying Without Wings -
"Cassie" O/Jane Pappler H/Jen Van Schoick The
judge went back and forth and gaited and looked and gaited and looked
again but finally chose the other bitch for Best of Breed. But it
was exciting having Cassie being considered one of the two best
chesapeakes of the day!
Labrador - Ingmos Oxford Landing - Reserve
Winners Dog under judge Dyane Baldwin
10/10-11 MA American Chesapeake Club National
Specialty Show, Fitchburg, MA
Redlion's Hit Doctor MH 1st
American Bred, and 3rd Veteran Sweeps 7-10 yr
Redlion's Notorious SH - made
the cut in the Open Dog Class (Thor
also earned his CGC)
Redlion's Notorious Wren JH - 1st
Field Trial Bitch
Redlion's Ella Enchanted - 3rd
American Bred
Ch Redlion's Flying Without Wings -
made one Cut in Best of Breed
Ch Redlion's Bandito de la Bay, JH -
made one Cut in Best of Breed
View all the show
results at
Ch Northwyn's Whispering Reflection JH
received a JAM !!!!! O/Maggie Fisher
sired by Am/Can Ch Redlion's Short Fuse
Ch Pond Hollow Bering Sea received
a JAM !!!!! O/Dyane Baldwin sired by
Am/Can Ch Redlion's Big Business
10/12 ACC Specialty Show WD/X/Q
Notorious SH received
his WDQ
Redlion's Notorious Wren JH
received her WDX
10/5 MD Talbot RC Both my labs got their 2nd leg
towards their JH title - Redlion's Trace Element
"Ouch" and Ingmos Oxford Landing Handler-John
Wiacek O/Jane Pappler
9/27 VA Warrenton Kennel Club
Redlion's Come Back Scupper Best Of
Breed O/Gina Downin and J Pappler H/Gina
Hit Doctor Rsv WD Judge: Dana Cline
O/Jane Pappler H/Gina
9;28 VA Old Dominion Kennel Club of Northern Virginia
Redlion's Come Back Scupper BOB
Redlion's Hit
Doctor WD, BOS 1 pt Judge Dr. Elliott
9/26 BIG NEWS!!! Jane become a Grandmum
today! A little son, Cole Frederick Pappler, was born at
8:15am, proud parents Fred and Megan Pappler. He was 8 lb 7 oz, 22 1/2
inches long and has very big feet.
9/18/ MT American Chesapeake Club National Field
Trial, Ronan, MT - "Thor" received a JAM in the Qualifying -
Redlion's Notorious SH WDX Can JH
Owners/Al & Zach Melhus and Jane Pappler Handler-Jane
Redlion's Notorious Wren also traveled to Montana.
Unfortunately I had to pick her up on the last bird in the Derby so we
got no ribbon but she ran very well and is just 14 months old.
9/13 OR Redlion's
Fyreworks on the Bay completed
two legs toward her Rally Novice A title. H/Marilyn O/J
Pappler, Jaunita Schaeffer & Marilyn Williams
9/7 NH Redlion's Quick
Steppin placed third out of nine puppy bitches
Breeder Judge Jean Louis Chablais at the North Conway shows. This was a
supported entry
with the Labrador Retriever Club of Pawcatuck.
9/5 NJ South Jersey RC Licensed Field Trial
Redlion's Notorious Wren O/J Pappler & John Wiacek H/Jane
Pappler 1 yr old 8/12/08 Derby JAM
8/31 NJ - Pinelands Retriever Club - two of my boys both
qualified today for the first leg in the Junior Hunter title with very
good work.
Ingmos Oxford Landing - Black male Lab and
Redlion's Trace Element "Ouch" a
yellow male Lab.
8/17 Sweden -
by CAN CH SUCH Redlion´s Hit Doctor AM/CAN MH WDQ and mother is SU(U)CH
EUW05 NORDJUNV03 Double Coat´s Galadriel) placed BIS 4 PUPPY on the big
International Show in Nyköping,. He won over about 70 other
puppies! Breeder is Catharina Lindstrom of Sweden
Redlion's Quick Steppin, 8 month old yellow female lab attended her
first fun show. She got 2nd in her class at the Jersey Skyland
Labradors Club match show.

8/15 NJ Shrewsbury River RC -
Redlion's Notorious Wren JH runs her first licensed field trial
and completes with a Derby 4th! She was just 1 year old this week
on 8/12/08, what a cute little girl. Owners: Jane Pappler &
John Wiacek Trainer/Handler: John What a great job he
is doing with her.
8/5 Chesapeake Traffen Sweden - Show Specialty - Best
Puppy in Show - Double Coat's Rainbow
(Sire: CAN CH,SUCH Redlion´s Hit Doctor AM/CAN MH WDQ, Dam - SU(U)CH
EUW05 NORDJUNV03 Double Coat´s Galadriel) O/H Evami Svensson, Sweden
Breeder: Catharina Lindstrom, Sweden
Best of Opposite Puppy in Show -
Double Coat's Christmas Joy (Sire- CAN CH
SUCH Redlion´s Hit Doctor AM/CAN MH WDQ, Dam- SU(U)CH Double Coat´s
Alexia Amber WD) B/O/H Catharina & Kaj Lindstrom, Sweden
7/19 TX Beaumont KC
CH* Redlion's Busy Typhoon O/Marj
Freeman H/Collette Livingston Best of Breed from the
Veterans Class at the Alamo Chesapeake Club Supported Show and made the
cut in the Sporting Group! Judge: Linda C More
7/18-19-20 TX Reliant Park Dog Shows in
Houston Redlion's Kodiak DeCristo -
Cody (Relion's Not for Sale X Longmeadow's Bull Run) won Winner's
Dog and Best of Winner's on all 3 days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday was the Alamo Chesapeake Club supported entry. O/Penny
6/7 MD Keystone RC
New Junior Hunter Title
Redlion's Notorious Wren, JH completed her
4th straight leg to earn her Junior Hunter Title.
Pappler & John Wiacek. Trainer and handler for 2 legs
was John Wiacek. Great work John. Wren is just 9 months old
and is sired by Redlion's Notorious** SH WDX.
New Champion - Greg and Sheri
Linker report that their bitch, Mercedes,
finished her CH this spring. She is out of their Driftwood’s Gone
With The Wind and sired by Am/Can CH Redlion's Come Bank Hank.
She also has legs on her Senior Hunter title. O/Greg Linker,
6/1 Brandon RC, Manitoba, Canada -
Redlion's Notorious SH WDX - 4th place in the
Qualifying H/Lorne Langevin
5/31 and 6/1 NY Hudson Highlands HRA
Redlion's Notorious Wren completed her 2nd
and 3rd legs towards her Junior Hunter Title. There were many
compliments from the judges and gallery watching this little 9 month old
girl! Breeder: J Pappler, Owners/J
Pappler & John Wiacek. H/Jane P
6/1 IL
Ch Sandbar's Stock Exxchange - wins
the Sporting Group! "Molson" B/O/H Diane
gets a Sporting Group 2. Sire: Am/Can CH Redlion's Big
Business WD JH
5/24 and 5/25 Two Group 3's for Molson
5/25 Winnipeg, Canada - Redlion's
Notorious - In Thor's first trial of the year after only 3 weeks
of training after 6 months off, he completed the licensed
Qualifying and got a CM (Certificate of
Merit). The water there is 42 degrees and the trainer said the
trial was very tuff. The water triple ending with three birds down
the shore. So exciting! O/Al & Zach Melhus and Jane Pappler
Handler/Mr Lorne Langevin
5/17 MI Genesee County Kennel Club - ,Owner/Handler Maggie Fisher reports a
Group IV
today for Ch Northwyn's Whispering Reflection
- "Fisher" is sired by Am/Can Ch Redlion's Short Fuse
and this is his first group placement. Judge: Roger R. Hartinger
5/17 VA Mattaponti KC Best of Breed
for Ch Redlion's Come Back Scupper
H/Gina Downin O/Gina Downin & J Pappler
Judge/Michael Faulkner
5/18 MD - Redlion's
Notorious Wren completed her first leg today of her Junior Hunter
title at the Susquehanna Hunt Test in Elkton, MD. Owners/Jane
Pappler & John Wiacek. Trainer and Handler: John Wiacek of
Hamilton, NJ
MD - Redlion's Hide 'N Zeke earns his CGC
title today at the CBR&R Picnic and Fun Day in Northest, MD. Zeke
is 8 months old, is owned by Jane Pappler & Gary and Janet Treer and
handled to the CGC by Janet. He was at his first shows two weeks
ago at the ACC supported show in Trenton, NJ and got 2nd place in both
puppy classes. Today Zeke went swimming for his first time and did
nicely, retrieving all his bumpers!
5/03 PA Bucks County KC Redlion's
Hit Doctor "Joe" O/B/H Jane Pappler WD/BW 1pt
Judge: Sandra Lex
4/26 DE Wilmington KC WD/BW 3pts Judge:
Everett Dean
4/27 PA Penn Treaty KC WD 1pt
see photos of Joe
5/03 PA Bucks County KC
Redlion's Not For Sale O/B/H Jane Pappler WB 1pt
Judge: Sandra Lex
4/21 NJ Baltimore Co KC WB, BW 1pt O/B/H
Jane Pappler
4/19 NJ
Old Dominion KC, Baltimore, MD River Ridge Open to the Public
JH Winners Dog and Best of Winners
New Champion!!
H/Gina Downin
see photos
3/29 NJ Sand & Sea River Ridge Open to the Public
JH WD/BW 1pt Judge: Don Evans O/H J Pappler

3/15 MA -New England Sporting Dog
Weatherdeck's Boatswain
Best in Sweepstakes! and Reserve WD
O/Gina Downin, Thomas Rick, Ailani Durham H/Gina
3/16 MA -New England Sporting Dog Best
in Sweepstakes! "Bosan" Sire: CH Sandbar's Stock Exxchange
Dam: CH Redlion's Come Back Scupper
B/J Pappler & G Downin
3/4/08 SUCH/Can Ch Redlion's Hit Doctor
** Am/Can MH WDQ
returned to NJ from Sweden today! We are excited to have
him home and to get back
into training and dog shows. He had a successful trip siring 7 litters
in Scandanavia and Europe and completing his Swedish Show Championship.
2/29 MD Sporting Dog - River Ridge Open to the Public
JH WD 4pts Judge: Mari
Kennedy O/J Pappler
3/1 MD Sporting Dog, American Ches Club Supported Show -
Redlion's Paddle Bit WB/BW from the
9-11 puppy class for 4 pts!!
"Paddle" also got a Puppy Group 4th O/B Jane Pappler
Judge: Joann Colvin
3/1 MD Sporting Dog - Ingmos Oxford
Landing, black Lab, placed 1st in Open Black O/J
2/7/08 New Jersey - Big Apple Sporting Society
WD - River Ridge Open to the Public JH 1
pt "Del" O/J Pappler
Redlion's Paddle Bit 1 pt O/Jane Pappler
Previous Years News