Chesapeake Bay Retriever
SUCH, Am/Can
Ch Redlion's Hit Doctor
**c Am/Can
- "Joe"
OFA7372Good, OFA
EL614, Cerf4301/10-116, PRA-A, OFA EIC38 clear, DM carrier

CBISS AM/CAN Ch* Irish's Royal Prince of Tides
Dam: Redlion's Quailrun Smooch
View and Print:
Joe's Pedigree
Fee: $2100 Frozen semen only - Fee includes 1 breeding
unit. A deposit of $500 is due before the semen is shipped and balance of the stud
fee when the puppies are 7 days old and before any paperwork is signed. If
there are no puppies, there is no rebreeding with frozen semen. If bitch
is not pregnant, no additional fee is due.
Joe's semen is stored with
Innovative Canine
Reproduction, formerly, CLONE Bucks,
at Doylestown Animal Medical Clinic, Doylestown, PA. You may call them
and they would advise what their prices are for tank rental and shipping
direct to your vet.
Bs/215 489-2620 Sandy

is an extremely nice tempered male and the perfect
hunting and companion dog. In later years, Joe resided in NY with Fil Fina and had
several great hunting seasons in 2010-2012 for pheasant, ducks and
geese. At 12 years he did a bang-up job! He's
80 lbs, stocky and has an excellent thick coat that repels
water perfectly. Several of his puppies
have won Best in Sweeps at ACC Supported Shows. His son
"Pancho" won winners dog at the 2003 ACC National Show in Michigan and has his
Junior Hunter title and WDX. Another son
has his JH, first leg towards SH and is a show CH and excellent hunting dog
with Cassel Outfitters Guide Service.
Joe finished
his Canadian Master Title with six completions. In 2005 he completed 4
Canadian Qualifying Field Trials getting two 4th places and two JAM's.
In 2006 in Canada Joey completed 8 straight tests consisting of 4 MH
legs and 4 completions in Qualifying Field Trials getting a 3rd place
and 3 CM's. Not an easy accomplishment completing 8 tuff trials
and tests in a row with placings!

NEWS: December, 2007 - New Swedish
Champion!! Joe finished his Swedish Show Championship and took
Best of Breed several times in competition.
The Swedish CH is only awarded once a dog has also completed the
required working awards in the field as well. Thanks to Catharina & Kaj
Lindstrom who had Joe in Sweden with them for competition and breeding.
NEWS: 11-8-08 Joe finished
his US show championship. This makes him the 2nd dog in Chesapeake
history to have the CH/MH titles in both the US and Canada. He also has
the equivalent in Sweden with the SUCH and is the only dog to have these
field and show combinations in three countries. There are about 90
Chesapeakes that have had a Master Hunter title and Show championship in
the US.

NEWS!! Carlisle, PA - 9-24-11 American Chesapeake Clubs
National Show
Joe's son "Joy" wins
Best of Breed over about 400 dogs.
NBISS, SU(U)CH, NOUCH, SE VCH SV-09, AM GCH* Double Coat's Christmas Joy,
View Joy's
Stud dog
Owners: Catharina and Kaj Lindstrom,
Handler: Diane Baker

Joey Hunting at 11 and 12 1/2 years old
in 2011-2012

Joe in the snow at 12 1/2 yrs old
Some of Joe’s Offspring include:

Am/Can Ch Redlion's Bandito de la Bay
JH WDX CGC "Pancho"
Winners Dog ACC National Show
Won a Puppy Sporting Group 1st in Canada
Dam: Am/Can
Ch Redlion's Come Back No Fleas
Owners Deb & Bernie Rivas |

Redlion’s Hit It Rich
2009 ACC
National Show, Best in Puppy Sweeps with 71 entries
Dam: Redlion's Rich and Strange
Double Coat's Christmas Joy,
2011 American Chesapeake Club National Show - Best of Breed
ACC National Show, Award of
Multiple Group Placer in several countries
Catharina & Kaj
Lindstrom, Sweden

CH* Redlion's Rough Suede,
Multiple Group Placer
Best Puppy in Show at 7 months old in Oregon
Dam: Redlion's Defused
Owner/Anita Schaefer, Oregon |

Redlion's Joe's Hit From The Park** MH WDQ
Licensed field trial
completion, CH & Master Hunter title
and excellent pheasant/duck hunting dog
Redlion's Notorious Margaret, WD
Owner: Fil Fina and Jane Pappler

Redlion's Tide Pond Sophie, SH
ACC National
Show 2014, PA - Winners Bitch
and hunted all season
CH Redlion's Paddle Bit
Owners: Jane Pappler and Bill Davies

Ch River Ridge Open to the Public JH CWC WD
Hunting/Guide dog for Cassel's Duck Hunting Outfitters
CH* River Ridge Karle
Owner: Jane Pappler and Dennis Castle

Mercer's Takin' On The
Multiple Group Placer, 1st
Chesapeake with a GCH in two countries
O/Robert Boyd, Veronica & Dana Mercer, Canada

SEU(U)CH NOUCH SE VCH SV-09 Double Coat´s Shaddow WD
Dam: SU(U)CH EUW05 NORDJUNW03 Double Coat´s
BOS Swedish National Show 2011
Owners: Catharina & Kaj Lindstrom, Sweden

HR Redlion's Perfect Storm UD SH WDX DS CGC TKI
2021 ACC National Show - High in Trial in
Redlion's Notorious Margaret, WD
Owner: Elaine Sorrentino, NJ |
A few additional dogs:
CH Redlion's Not For Sale
Dam: Am/Can Ch Redlion's
Come Back No Fleas
Redlion's Down The Road JH
Dam: Redlion's Defused
Redlion's Who's On Deck RN
Dam: GCH* Redlion's Come
Back Scupper CGC
O/Mike Sestrick
Redlion's Element of Surprise, SH
Dam: Redlion's Weatherdeck
Marnett's Part The Waters -
At 7 months
WD/BW and Best in Sweepstakes
in Kachina KC. Arizona, ACC Supported Show
Dam: CH Marnetts Schools Out
B/Annette Monugian, CA,
O/Mark Walsh, CA
Offspring in other countries
Double Coat's Blizzard
SEU(U)CH Double Coat's
Christmas Spirit
DT-JCH Sea'nland Armargie Jade BHP-B APD-A
INT/NL/NOR-CH SEU(U)CH Holckenhus' Go For It!
DT-CH(ARB) Elakha's Ahyoka BLP/R JP/R RGP WT
CAN-CH Mercer's Duck And Bones
SHR Mercer's Wawa
Sisterhood WC |
Joe's Accomplishments
US Shows
11-23-03 MA ACC Supported Show WD, BOW 5pts
4-1-07 NJ Sand & Sea KC, NJ WD, BW 1
4-29-07 PA Penn Treaty KC WD 1pt
4-26-08 DE Wilmington KC WD/BW 3pts
4-7-08 PA Penn Treaty KC WD 1pt
9-23-08 Old Dominion KC WD, BOS 1 pt Judge Dr. Elliott
11-8-08 Salisbury
WD 3pts Houston Clark
New US Show Champion
Canadian Shows
Nov 28, 2003 Caledon KC, Toronto, Canada WD, BW, BOB 2
Nov 29, 2003 Caledon
KC, Toronto, Canada
WD, BW, BOB 2 pts
Nov 30, 2003 Caledon
KC, Toronto, Canada
WD, BW 2 pts
Oct 22, 2005 Belleville & District KC WD 3 pts
Oct 23, 2005 CBRCC Specialty WD/BW 5 pts
New Canadian CH
Sweden Shows
(Joe was in Sweden from July 2007 -
February 2008
12/07 Joe finished his Swedish Show
Championship and took Best of Breed several times in competition.
The Swedish CH is only
awarded once a dog has also completed the required working awards in the
field as well as winning in the show ring. New
Swedish CH (includes field
work equal to a MH)
US Working Certificates
Oct 16, 2005 WDX – ACC Specialty
Oct 1, 2006 WDQ - ACC Specialty
Hunt Tests
Nov 1, 2003 finished JH title
MH 1st leg - Sept 4, 2004 Golden RC in
western PA
MH 2nd leg - 2005 Del Bay RC
MH 3rd leg - 9-16-06 Mid-Jersey RC Hammonton, NJ
MH 4th leg -
11-12-06 Swamp Dog RC, Glasgow, DE
MH 5th leg -
6-30 Swamp Dog
RC Whitehaven, PA
MH 6th leg - 7-15-07 Finger Lakes RC, NY
New Master Hunter!!
Canadian Hunt Tests
5-9-05 LOC first leg on Canadian
6-11-05 2nd Master Leg Horse-Shoe Hunting
Retriever Club - Valens, Ont
6-12-05 3rd Master Leg
“ “
7-13/14-05 two Master legs Southwestern Ontario
Retriever Training Club
8-28-05 6th leg **
New Canadian Master Hunter Title
Horseshoe RC, Ontario, Canada completed the Master Hunter Test
6-12-06 Horseshoe RC completed the Master Hunter
6-17-06 Mountain Valley Retriever Club completed the Master
Hunter Test
6-18-06 Mountain Valley Retriever Club completed the
Master Hunter Test
US Licensed Field
9-19-09 ACC National Specialty Field Trial
Qualifying 4th (at 9 yrs old with 40 dogs entered)
Canada Licensed Field Trials
5-8-05 Niagara RC Qualifying 4th
5-14-05 Southwestern Ontario RC Qualifying 4th
6-19-05 Water Fowlers Qualifying CM
Summer of
Qualifying CM
5-14-06 Southwestern
Qualifying CM
6-21-06 Club du Chien Rapporteaur de Montreal Qualifying 3rd
5-28-06 Pine Ridge Qualifying CM
6-30-06 Sudbury & District KC
Qualifying Rsv CM
and Print:
Joe's Pedigree
