NJ Breeder of Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, Labradors and Golden Retrievers


CBISS Am/Can CH Redlion's Short Fuse WD
OFA5300G, Cerf2361/04-126, PRA-A, DM Carrier

Sire:  AM/CAN CH* Redlion's Come Back Hank** WDQ, CWCI  
Dam:  Redlion's Duty Free O'Taraglen, CWC 
Litter sister is: Am/Can CH* Taraglen Buckshot's Legacy ***c  QAA, CWCX, WDQ, CGC)
  available by frozen semen only

Stud Fee: $1800 -  Frozen Semen Only  (semen stored in Doylestown, PA and in Los Angeles, CA, with Dana Bleifer, available for shipping)  A deposit of $500 is due before the semen is shipped and balance of the stud fee when the puppies are 7 days old and before any paperwork is signed.  If there are no puppies, there is no rebreeding with frozen semen. If bitch is not pregnant, no additional fee is due.

"Musch" is a well-built stocky male, 80 pounds and was a joy to own - very friendly, and a good-natured companion.  He won Best in Sweeps in Los Angeles in 1995 at the American Chesapeake Club National Show.  His father Hank won Winners Dog at the same National that weekend and his littermate "Detonator" won Winners Bitch and a JAM! They won the Stud Dog class too.

Musch is 9 years old in these photos.  His two litter sisters, Detonator & Explosion, both won Group Firsts in All-breed Shows plus other group placements.  What an awesome moving dog at 10 years old.

About My sweet boy:  Born 1-4-94  to 12-26-07. What a sweet special boy he always was. Never a problem and always willing to do what every I wanted. Friendly to everyone and always looked forward to going for a swim at the boggs.  I petted his head softly and ruffled his ears till the end...and even a little after that... to a few he was affectionately know as the Muschmellow.

View and Print:  Musch's Pedigree          

Photos from about 1994 and 1995

ACCOMPLISHMENTS - in limited showing
     Nov 94  Toronto, Canada  - 1ST in the Puppy Sporting Group
     Nov 94  Toronto  Chesapeake Bay Rtvr Club of Can National Show - Best in Sweepstakes and Rsv Winners Dog
     Dec 94  Best In Sweepstakes  Philadelphia KC,  Am Chesapeake Club Supported Show
     May 95  Best In Sweepstakes - Los Angeles, CA - ACC National Specialty Show
     May 95  WD, Best of Winners  5 points  -  Kalamazoo, MI -  ACC  Supported show

     2002      Finished Can CH with Best of Breed at the CBR Club of Canada National Specialty Show
     1/25/03  Finished CH with BOB, Charleston KC, SC, and pulled in the Group
    2003  –  Am Chesapeake Club National Show in MI - JAM at 10 years old

Musch has sired dogs with many accomplishments in the US and Canada. Many are Grand Champions in show, have multiple Group placements, others completed performance and field titles such as CD, WD, WCX, SH, and one has a Qualifying Field Trial completion. He stamps his puppies with great temperaments which make for wonderful family companions.

GCHB* Redlion's Come Back Scupper, ROM CGC


10/2/10 - Best of Opposite Sex at ACC National Show in Gilroy, CA
Scupper at 10 years old

CH* River Ridge Hemingway

Janel Hopp - "Ernie" -  Multiple Group Placements


GCH* Redlion's Fyreworks On The Bay RN

Anita Schaefer & Marilyn Williams
Fyre won two group 3 and two Group 4's

GCH* Northwyns Whispering Reflection JH

Maggie FIsher - "Fisher" - Multiple Group Placements

The breeding of Redlion's Come Back Hank to our girl Redlion's Duty Free O'Taraglen produced three top quality puppies in the same litter. "Musch" is a littermate to the two girls below, Detonator and Casey. Their mother was a certified bomb protection dog in NJ so they all had related "bomb" names. All three won multiple top awards at ACC National Specialty Shows. (includes Best in Sweeps, Winners Bitch, and several JAM's)

Am/Can CH* Redlion's Detonator


Multiple group placer in limited shows with a Group 1, two 2nds, 3rd, 4th. Her litter sister Redlion's Idylwood Explosion also won a Group 1, making breed history for the two girls. The first time two female littermates both won a Group 1 in show!

Idylwood Explosion JH


Owner- Kathy and Jeffrey Perry - "Casey"
OCT 94 - Best in Puppy Sweeps, WI - ACC National Show
Sep 96 - JAM ACC National Specialty Show, Reading, PA
Casey won 11 Sporting Group Placements including two Group 1's

This beautiful 6 weeks old male puppy was sired by "Musch" in 2023. He is from Mtn Island Redlion Texas Toast and has a wonderful combination of show and field trial pedigree. Musch produces bone, beautiful head, coat and angles in his puppies.



Barret Bingo Chip Hank Jimmy - Labrador Joe Joy Musch Neptune Snickers Thinker Zeus - Labrador


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Jane Pappler, 7 Easton Way, Southampton, NJ, 08088  -  Home/Business 609 859-3570  -
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