NJ Breeder of Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, Labradors and Golden Retrievers


Chesapeake Bay Retriever

Am/Can CH Redlion's Come Back Barret *** QA2, TDX, JH, DS, CGC
OFA12113Good, OFAEL3773, OFA EYE1277/2024-75, all clear for PRA, DM, EIC, Long Coat, and EDSF, OFA CA35 normal

Am/Can CH* Redlion's Come Back Hank**c WDQ CWCI
Redlion's Bee Notorious, JH   (Bee's dam is AM GCH, Can CH Redlion's Notorious Wren ***c QA2 MH WDQ CGC)

Breeder:  Jane Pappler and Darren Sausser     Owners:  Jane Pappler and Leigh Ann Barnes 

                                 View and Print   Barret's Pedigree   

Fee:  $2500   A deposit of $500 is due at time of breeding and balance of the stud fee when the puppy(s) are 7 days old and before any paperwork is signed. 
  Fresh semen: Two puppies constitutes a litter so you would get a free re-breedng if only one.  If bitch is not pregnant, no additional fee is charged.

  Frozen semen: Fee includes 1 breeding unit. If there are no puppies, there is no rebreeding with frozen semen. If bitch is not pregnant, no additional fee is charged. Frozen Semen is available at ICR in Doylestown and at Philadelphia Animal Hospital, PA and can be shipped.

"Barret" is a powerhouse with lots of natural prey drive for retrieving and runs hard. Keeping him steady is always on the agenda as he just wants those birds! He has 3 legs on his Senior Hunter title and two legs on his MH.  Barret was a perfect gentleman on his first two duck hunts. He is a very versatile boy and the perfect family dog on a small horse farm with his co-owner and performance trainer Leighann Barnes. Barret has been in just a few U.S. and Canada shows and has both show titles. in the 2021 UKC show he won BOB and won the Gun Dog Group 1. In March 2019 he received his Tracking Dog Title at 1 year old and easily completed his TDX (Tracking Dog Excellent). In licensed field trial competition twice he has placed second and is now Qualified All-Age - QA2 !! He had his Dock Diving Senior title in two weekends. Barret has a very exciting future and we are very proud of this boy. He has a tremendously successful pedigree behind him and his puppies are proving to be both eager in the field and show quality.


UKC show
, Frenchtown, NJ, 4-25-21  New Jersey KC -  Barret takes BOB and wins Gun Dog Group 1 !!!!
9-24-21 - Barret completes the all-breed Qualifying Field Trial in Maine with a 4th Place!!!
10-12-21 - Barret gets a Qualifying 4th place at the American Chesapeake Club National Field Trial in Americus, GA


NEWS!!  10-31-21  Pennsylvania Furnace, PA, Mt Nittany Dog Training Club - Barret passes the very hard TDX test - Tracking Dog Excellent!!!   Proud to post that today Barret completed his TDX title (Tracking Dog Excellent). He has been in field training most of the year so only had a few times to practice in May and this week twice before the test. Fourteen dogs entered and it is a lottery to see who gets to go. Barret was 1 of 6 dogs chosen. Only Barret and a border collie passed of the 6 tracks done today at Pennsylvania Furnace, PA. He is now Can CH Redlion's Come Back Barret ** TDX, JH, DS. Last week was Qualifying Field Trial 4th, this week TDX and in the next few weeks will be several dog shows. Such an accomplished dual purpose boy and more to come in his future. Owners Jane Pappler and Leighann Barnes.  Leighann does the tracking and here are her comments from today ---- The TDX track was 805 yards long.  It had 5 turns.  There were two articles to find along the way as well as the glove at the end.  The obstacles we encountered were high cover on the track and a ditch in a tree line that we had to track through.  There were two cross tracks from people other than the track layer purposely walking across the track in two locations. Barret did check out the cross tracks at one point but then he carried on with tracking.  He was excellent at acknowledging the articles by nudging the articles and sitting. It took Barret 13 minutes to complete the TDX track.  He was motoring!!!   Was a joy to follow my boy !!


                            Very Exciting NEWS -  in the same weekend - new Show Champion and Qualified All-Age in Licensed Field Trial!!   

Friday, 5-6-22  Barret is now Qualified All Age in Field Trials  - Colonial FT in Connecticut. Trainer/Handler Lois Munroe won 2nd place in the Qualifying for his QAA title. 34 dogs and very hard all breed competition. 

Sunday, 5-8-22  New Show Champion!!  Trenton Dog Show, NJ - ACC Supported Entry - Barret wins winners dog and best of winners to finish show title. Shown by Jane Pappler and Leighann Barnes the owners. Amazing weekend winning in a field trial and a show two days later.  A real DUAL-Purpose Dog. 


NEWS: 5-13-23 
Chesapeake Breed History was made today and Barret & Maddy were part of it!!!

Chesapeake Breed History today! So proud to be half of it. At the Black Duck Field Trail Retriever Club in MA, Chesapeakes swept the four placings in the licensed Qualifying. Probably has never happened before or at least since 1940 or so. First Place and new Qualified All-Age dog Redlion’s Madeleine *** QAA SH TKN, “Maddy” owned by Claire McCall and bred by Jane Pappler. Trained/Handled by Lois Munroe, Heart and Soul Retrievers.  Second place and now QA2 – AM/Can CH Redlion’s Come Back Barret*** TDX JH DS CGC owned by Jane Pappler and Leighann Barnes, bred by Jane Pappler and Darren Sausser, Trained/Handled by Lois Munroe. Third Place – SHR CH Chesamos Katahdin Spirit MH, “Odie”, Bred, trained, owned and handled by Sue Ayarn, Maine. Fourth – HRCH Chesamos Steaming Hot Cocomo JH WDX, Bred, trained, owned and handled by Sue Ayarn. Another Chesapeake also got a JAM - Crescent Moon’s Holly Jolly Mistletoe MH, owner David and Dawn Outhouse. Outstanding day for the brown dogs but an unbelievable accomplishment by the Redlion dogs, Maddy and Barret, first and second! Thanks so much for the dedication of a great dog woman trainer, Lois Munroe. Without her patience for training and Maddy and Barret this would not have happened. So thankful to have intense hard running dogs with all this natural prey drive, but it does drive us a little crazy sometimes!

           Maddy                             Barret                        Maddy, Barret, Lois                   Sue, Odie, Coco

10-14-23 A great morning of Hunting in Monroe Twp, NJ, with owners Warren and Leighann

Some of Barret's Offspring:

Winston is a 2 yr male from Barret XToast litter, at 2 years old, has a show championship, a Junior Hunter title, is trained to basic Senior Hunter level work and is a great family companion.

Tucker is 20 months old and hunts with owner Matt Mellon. He has 3 legs on Junior Hunter title and has won Winners Ddog and BOS puppy sweeps several time in the show ring at ACC supported shows.


US  Shows
5-2-18  Trenton KC  4-6 mo   Baby Puppy Group 2
7-13-18 Ohio - American Chesapeake Club National Show    BOS Puppy Sweepstakes 
3-16-19  Delaware Co KC, York, PA  Am Chesapeake Club Supported Show - BOS Puppy Sweepstakes and Reserve Winners Dog
5-5-19  NJ  Trenton KC   Am Chesapeake Club Supported Show - Reserve Winners Dog
11-13-21 Salisbury MD  Winners Dog 1 point
11-14-21 Mispillion KC, MD  Winners Dog and Best of Winners 1 point
11-18-21 Penn Treaty KC   Winners Dog  2 pts 
11-20-21  Kennel Club of Philadelphia  WD 4 pts  American Chesapeake Club Supported Show 
11-21-21  Kennel Club of Philadelphia  WD 3 pts

12-11-21 Valley Forge KC  WD 1 pt 
12-12-21  Valley Forge KC  WD 1 pt 
 5-8-22   Trenton KC   WD/BW 3 pts  American Chesapeake Club Supported Show  
NEW Show Champion
12-17-22 Leigh Valley KC   Select Dog 
12-18-22 Delaware Water Gap KC  Select Dog 

Canada Shows
11-30-18 Caledon KC   Winners Dog
12-1-18   CBR Club of Canada National Specialty   Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite in Puppy Sweepstakes    
12-2-18   Caledon KC   Winners Dog and Best of Winners     
12-2-18   Limited Sporting Show  Winners Dog and Best of Winners      
NEW Canadian Champion  1 yr old

UKC Shows
4-25-21  New Jersey KC  BOB and Gun Dog Group 1 !!!!

Tracking Trials
3-17-19 Burlington County Kennel Club   passed the TD      New Tracking Dog Title  1 yr old
10-31-21 Mt Nittany Dog Training Club  - passed the TDX 
 New Tracking Dog Excellent   

Hunt Tests
4-19-19  First State RC 1st leg JH
4-20-19  First State RC 2nd leg JH
5-4-19    Pinelands RC  3rd leg JH
5-11-19  Delbay RC 4th leg JH          
New Junior Hunter Title

9-27-20  Navesink River RC   1st  leg towards Senior Hunter title
10-3-20  Talbot RC                 2nd leg Senior Hunter
10-24-20 Susquehanna RC    3rd leg Senior Hunter
6-17-23  CT Shoreline RC  Master Hunter 1st leg   Handler/Lois Munroe
7-22-23  Penobscot Hunting RC  Master Hunter  2nd  leg   H/Lois Munroe  

Dock Diving
7-19-19  NJ   two legs toward Diving Senior title
7-21-19  NJ  three legs toward Diving Senior title   
New Dock Diving Senior Title

Field Trials
11-7-19   ACC National Field Trial Specialty, Texas   Derby 4th  Trainer/Handler Shawn Ward
9-24-21   Maine RC  all-breed Qualifying 4th place  Trainer-Handler/Lois Munroe
10-20-21 GA  American Chesapeake Club National Specialty Field Trial  Qualifying 4th place  H/Jane Pappler
3-19-22   GA 
Central Savannah River Area RC  -  Qualifying JAM   Trainer/Handler/Lois Munroe
5-6-22     CT  Colonial FT  Qualifying 2nd  New QAA!!  Trainer/Handler/Lois Munroe 
9-23-22   ME  Maine FT Club  Qualifying Rsv JAM         Trainer/Handler/Lois Munroe
5-5-23    CT Colonial FT RC   Qualifying Reserve Jam   Trainer/Handler/Lois Munroe
5-13-23  MA Black Duck Field Trail RC  Qualifying 2nd 
Trainer/Handler/Lois Munroe    NEW QA2

CGC  6-12-22   Handler/Leighann Barnes  New CGC Title  

Barret Bingo Chip Hank Jimmy - Labrador Joe Joy Musch Neptune Snickers Thinker Zeus - Labrador


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Jane Pappler, 7 Easton Way, Southampton, NJ, 08088  -  Home/Business 609 859-3570  -
Phone calls accepted between
11 am - 8 pm
Do Not call the cell phone unless it is an Emergency and we don't do Texting

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