NJ Breeder of Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, Labradors and Golden Retrievers


Chesapeake Bay Retriever

CH Redlion's Come Back Chipotle CDX JH RE WDX FMX, CGC
OFA6450 Excellent, OFA EL377, Cerf3579/07-112*, PRA-A1, OFA DM147 Carrier, EIC Clear, OFA CA9 clear, OFA TH12 clear, DOB: 7-12-98, SN557635/02

Sire:    Am/Can Ch* Redlion's Come Back Hank**c, CWCI, WDQ                                  Print Chip's pedigree
Dam:   Redlion's Sudden Spark   
(her sire is FC/AFC Ed's Turnpike Drifter)

Fee:  $1800  frozen semen only, stored with ICR in Doylestown, PA.  A deposit of $500 is due before the semen is shipped and balance of the stud fee when the puppies are 7 days old and before any paperwork is signed.  If there are no puppies, there is no rebreeding with frozen semen. If bitch is not pregnant, no additional fee is due.  For additional info about breeding, contact Claire McCall, owner  or Jane Pappler

Chip was a hearty boy who loved to work and was trained through SH. He was a certified Therapy Dog with many visits to nursing homes.  He was protective of the house, my husband's best pal, and always fun to train. He had tons of drive and was excelled at Fly Ball!  Chip was owned and trained by Claire McCall, MD.



Jane Pappler used Chip's frozen semen for a litter from her girl  SEU(U)CH Redlion's One Ring Circus - "Ringer".
Claire McCall kept a female puppy she named Maddy, born 3-28-20. Maddy has been trained in the field by Lois Munroe, NH, and has some fabulous accomplishments. She is now-
Redlion's Madeleine*** QAA, MH, TKN




North American Flyball Association - Chip is the #3 all-time Chesapeake in flyball as measured by points accumulated
Flyball Dog    
Flyball Excellent
Flyball Champion  
Flyball Champion-Silver   
Flyball Ch ampion-Gold
Flyball Master
Flyball Master Excellent   2004

AKC Shows, Obedience, Rally
CGC                     1999 
CH                        2001
                      2004  with one 2nd place and two 4th places
RALLY                  2006
RALLY Excellent  2006

Field Events
WDX                    2000 
Junior Hunter      2000   

Registered Therapy Dog
Chip spent many hours with Pets & People, MA making many visits to nursing homes with Claire's husband Tom

Chip's Offspring:
Born 3-28-20
 Redlion's Madeleine*** QAA, MH, TKN

Barret Bingo Chip Hank Jimmy - Labrador Joe Joy Musch Neptune Snickers Thinker Zeus - Labrador


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Jane Pappler, 7 Easton Way, Southampton, NJ, 08088  -  Home/Business 609 859-3570  -
Phone calls accepted between
11 am - 8 pm
Do Not call the cell phone unless it is an Emergency and we don't do Texting

Copyright © Redlion Kennels, est 1977 - website from November 1998 to present. All Rights Reserved.
 Use of any contents and pictures of this website is forbidden without the written consent of
Jane Pappler
Website by:  Redlion Webdesign