NJ Breeder of Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, Labradors and Golden Retrievers


Chesapeake Bay Retriever

BISS EUW-15 NOUCH NORDV-15 SEU(U)CH SEV-16 VV-16 VV-17 SEVCH, AM GCH* Double Coat's Christmas Joy, WDX CGC

In Sweden Hips clear A/A, Elbows 0/0, Cerf353184/2016 clear, PRA status unknown, DM clear, EIC clear by parents, Long Coat Carrier
Swedish Registration S11965/2008, DOB 12-23-07, AKC
# SR66929801

#2 dog in U.S. Chesapeake Breed Show Standings - 2011

We are so pleased to have had Joy here in the US for showing and breeding.  Thank you so much to Catharina and Kaj Lindstrom for letting me enjoy this boy and having him here in the US for the year 2011.


9/24/11 - "Joy" wins Best of Breed at the American Chesapeake Club's National Show in Carlisle, PA!!!  Thank you Diane Baker for showing Joy to this exciting win and for his continued success of many Group Placements in 2011.

What his titles listed above mean:
AM CH  (American Show Champion)
SE CH  (Swedish Show Champion)
   NUCH   (Norwegian show Champion)
   SE VCH (Swedish Blood Tracking Champion)
   SV – 09, Swedish Winner title, given each year at a big International Show to BOB  and BOS.

 SUCH, Am/Can Ch Redlion's Hit Doctor **c Am/Can MH, WDQ - "Joe"
Dam: SE U(U)CH Double Coat's Alexia Amber WDX

Stud Fee:  Frozen Semen Only, stored in the USA -  $2000 for Frozen semen, includes enough pellets for one breeding, additional pellets for a second insemination at the same time would be $400.  Contact us before your bitch is due into season to setup shipping or a local breeding. A non-refundable Deposit of $500 is due before the semen is shipped or used. The balance of the stud fee is due when puppies are 7 days old. If there are no puppies there is no rebreeding with frozen semen. No further money is due. Joy's semen quality is excellent and copies of the Lab Reports are available. All frozen semen is handled by Jane Pappler.

Joy's semen is stored with Innovative Canine Reproduction at Doylestown Animal Medical Clinic, 802 N Easton Rd, Doylestown, PA 18902. You may call them and they would advise what their prices are for tank rental and shipping direct to you or your vet.   W/215-3345-7782 ask for Sandy.              


Owners: Catharina and Kaj Lindström, Double Coat's Kennel
Karlsberg 6, 311 93 Långås, Sweden   Tel: 46-0340-44025    Email:
Contact Catharna direct with any questions about Joy and his pedigrtee

For Stud Inquiries in the US and Canada with frozen semen, contact:
Jane Pappler, 7 Easton Way, Southampton, NJ 08088   609 859-3570

 View and Print:  Joy's Pedigree    --     View  Puppies sired by "Joy"

Sweden Photos at a younger age



U.S. Photos       3-25-11


5-8-11  New US Champion

5-8-11    Joy finishes American Show Championship with 6 wins in 9 shows
7-23-11   First placing in the Sporting Group - a Group 3
8-2011    Joy finishes his Grand Championship in the USA
9-24-11   BOB American Chesapeake Club's National Show  (312 dog entry)

during the Bet of Breed Competition at the ACC Specialty Show - Carlisle, PA       Handler/Diane Baker


7-23-11  Group 4

Group 4 - 10-21-11 Illinois Group 3 - 10-24-11 Illinois 1-22-12


Joy is a proven sire with litters in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England and Germany. View some of his puppies at:
Norway -  the "O" litter
Sweden -  one named Stunt Dwag has a WD, one female has qualified for blood tracking
Germany -  one male Sneak Peak was qualified for Crufts this year and placed in his class


Before coming to the US, Joy achieved a Show Championship in Norway, Sweden, and with limited showing had a BIG R and a BIG 2 in Sweden. He has a blood tracking title and is a good worker in the field, retrieving pheasants and ducks when hunting.  Training comes naturally to Joy, he has a very soft mouth, and is a strong swimmer.

4-16-11 Harrisburg, PA WD 2 pts 
4-23-11 Old Dominion, MD WD BW 3pts
4-29-11 Wilmington, DE WD BW 2 pts
4-30-11 Wilmington, DE WD BW 3 pts
5-1-11 Penn Treaty, PA WD BW 3 pts
5-8-11 Trenton, NJ WD BW 5 pts  -  ACC Supported Show -  New Show Champion in the US
7-23-11 Paper Cities, WI      BOB and a Group 3 - New Grand Champion in the US
9-24-11 Carlisle, PA Best in Specialty Show - Best of Breed  American Chesapeake Club National Specialty Show!!!
10-21-11 Mattoon KC Group 4 
10-24-11 Illinois Capital KC Group 3
11-20-11 Council Bluffs, NE Group 2
11-27-11 Indiana Group 3
12-3-11 Kankakee IL Group 4
12-4-11 Kankakee IL Group 3

From July to early December, 2011, Joy was being "Specialed" on a small scale by Diane Baker from Illinois. He amassed the following:
    BOB  - 37 times, including one Best of Breed at the American Chesapeake Club National Specialty!
    Pulled in the Group - 11 times in tuff all-breed competition. Many shows this summer were in the 90+ degrees..
    Group Placements - 7  (one Group 2, four Group 3, two Group 4)  This made Joy #
2 dog in the U.S. in Breed Standings

Other Accomplishments:
   2012 - Sweden Specialty Show - 2nd Best Male
   2012 - Crufts, England - Reserve Best Male, Reserve CC
   2013 - Sweden -  Best in Show 2, Sweden Specialty Show 4th Best Male
  Best in Group 4
   2013   Best in Group R
   2014   Sweden - My Dog Show, SKK International Best in Group 1

   2014   Sweden - My Dog Show, SKK International Best in Group 2
2014   Sweden -
Boras SKK International  Best in Group 2
   2014   USA - 9-20-14  American Chesapeake Club National Specialty Show - Award of Merit
  2014   Best in Specialty Show
 2015   Sweden Specialty Show - Best of Opposite
   2015   Best in Group 4
 2016   Sweden Specialty Show - Best of Opposite
   2017   Sweden  Best of Breed and a Group 4 

View all his other Show and Health records on the Swedish Website:

Noteworthy items on Joy's pedigree:
1. Joy's half-brother - Am/Can Ch Redlion's Bandito de la Bay JH WDX CGC. "Pancho" is 3/4 the same pedigree.
2. Joy's half-brother - Ch River Ridge Open to the Public JH CWC WD. "Del" was a guide dog for Cassel's Outfitters for hunting parties. 
3. Joy's sire SUCH, Am/Can Ch Redlion's Hit Doctor **c Am/Can MH, WDQ is the only Chesapeake with the equivalent of CH/MH in three countries.
Joe also has completed licensed Qualifying Field Trials in the US and Canada   View his stud dog page
4. Joy's grandmother Redlion's Quailrun Smooch
is a 3/4 sister to MBIS CH* Quail Run's Ozark Mtn Daredevil

 View and Print:  Joy's Pedigree      -      View  Puppies sired by "Joy"

Barret Bingo Chip Hank Jimmy - Labrador Joe Joy Musch Neptune Snickers Thinker Zeus - Labrador


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Click to Email Us 

Jane Pappler, 7 Easton Way, Southampton, NJ, 08088  -  Home/Business 609 859-3570  -
Phone calls accepted between
11 am - 8 pm
Do Not call the cell phone unless it is an Emergency and we don't do Texting

Copyright © Redlion Kennels, est 1977 - website from November 1998 to present. All Rights Reserved.
 Use of any contents and pictures of this website is forbidden without the written consent of
Jane Pappler
Website by:  Redlion Webdesign