Bay Retriever

Am/Can CH* Redlion's Come
Back Hank **
OFA4277G, Cerf2156/01-108, PRA-A, DM carrier
CH* Pond
Hollow Punt Gunner
Dam: Am/Can CH Redlion's Come Back Suzie
Fee: $2200 Frozen semen only
Fee includes 1 breeding unit. A deposit of $500 is due before the semen is
shipped and balance of the stud fee when the puppies
are 7 days old and before any paperwork is signed. If there are no
puppies, there is no rebreeding with frozen semen. If
bitch is not pregnant, no additional fee is charged.
Hank's semen is stored with
Innovative Canine
at Doylestown Animal Medical Clinic, Doylestown, PA. You may call them
and they would advise what their prices are for tank rental and shipping
direct to you or your vet.
View and
Hank's Pedigree
Print complete list of
Hank's Accomplishments
Hank's offspring
and some of their accomplishments
had Group Placements in show, Licensed Field Trial completions, was a top-notch hunting
and family dog, and has proven himself as a top sire. In his first
litter with Redlion's Duty Free O'Taraglen CWC
three pups all won Best
in Sweepstakes, two of them at National Shows. Two of these female littermates went on
to both win Group 1's.
of his off-spring have competed in the US, Canada, Sweden, Norway
and Germany. Hank is truly the
Dual-Purpose Chesapeake
that all Breeders
should strive for.

Hank's mother "Suzie" was a beautiful girl and three times won Best of
Opposite Sex at the American Chesapeake Club's National Show |

Hank's grandfather, "JJ", won
Best of Breed at the ACC National Show 1979 |
Hank's Accomplishments:
1993 Derby Third ACC Specialty Field Trial,
1994 Derby 3rd South Jersey FT Club
1994-JUNIOR THIRD-Canadian Licensed Field Trial
OCT 93- Best In Sweepstakes- New Jersey KC, ACC supported show
DEC 93 - Best Of Opposite Sex In Sweepstakes Phila KC, Am Ches Club
supported show
DEC 94 - Winners Dog/Best Of Winners - 4PTS Phila KC, AM Ches Club
supported show
FEB 95-APR 30,1995 - Was Exported to Denmark/Sweden for breeding to 4
Bitches. Shown in two Denmark Shows -
One Best Of Breed, 2ND in the Sporting Group - 1 International CC and 2 CC
(towards Danish Championship)
MAY 95-Los Angeles, CA ACC National Show Specialty- 5 pts Winners Dog
&1st place in Stud dog class
OCT 95-WINNERS DOG- 5 pts Vineland, NJ - Am Ches Club Supported Show
Hank's Offspring Accomplishments:
CBISS, AM/Can CH Redlion’s
Short Fuse, WD - “MUSCH” Owner-Jane
NOV-94 Toronto, Canada - 1ST – Puppy Sporting Group
NOV 94-Toronto- Chesa Bay Rtvr Club of Can National Show - Best In Sweeps,
Reserve WD
DEC 94- Best In Sweepstakes - Philadelphia KC, Am Chesa Club supported show
MAY 95- Best In Sweepstakes - Los Angeles, CA. ACC National Show
MAY 95-WD, Best Of Winners 5PTS - Kalamazoo, MI - ACC Supported show
2003 – ACC National Specialty Show JAM
finished Can CH with a Best of Breed
at the CBRCC Specialty Show
Detonator Owner-Jane Pappler & Jean
MAR-95 BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES - WB/BW 5PTS - Detroit ACC Supported Show
APR95-Harrisburg Pa, ACC Show - Best Opp Sex in Sweeps WB-5pts Best of
Opposite Sex over 10 bitch specials!
MAY 95-Am Ches. Club National Show- Los Angeles, Ca. - Best Opp. In Sweeps,
5 PTS & a J.A.M.-Finishes CH. in 3 Shows (one of four bitches in the finals
for best of breed)
NOV 95 -BEST OF BREED - Chesapeake Bay Retriever Club of Canada -National
NOV 95- BEST OF BREED - CBRCC Booster Show
FEB 96 - BOB & GROUP 4 at the Burlington County KC show, NJ
SEP 96 - JAM at the ACC National Specialty Show, Reading, Penna.
OCT96 - BEST OF BREED - CBRCC National Specialty Show - 2 years in a row!
JUNE 97 - Michigan - A GROUP 1st, a Group 2
1997 - #10 Show Dog In The Country - All-Breed Ratings ***
1998 - Multiple group placings with limited showing.
Nov, 1998 - JAM. San Diego, CA. ACC National Show for the 3rd
CH* Redlion’s Idylwood
Explosion, JH - “Casey” Owner- Kathy &
Jeffrey Perry, MI
OCT. 94 - BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES, Wisconsin - American Chesapeake Club
National Show
Best of Breed at regular shows, over specials, from the 6-9 mo. puppy
class. RWB at several ACC
Supported shows. Casey received 11 Sporting Group Placements, including two
Group 1's !!!!
Sep 96 – JAM ACC National
Specialty Show, Reading, PA (so did her sister, Detonator)
CAN CH Redlion’s Taraglen
Take Back - a daughter - Oct 94 1st
Puppy Sporting Group - Canada
Redlion’s Come Back Slug
- a son - BEST IN SWEEPS, Nov. 95 - NCCBRC National Specialty Show, Maryland
Danish Ch*Kvilimare Cocktail - a Hank
daughter 2/97- Denmark - won Best in Show 4th
CBISS Can CH Redlion’s Shining Come Back 10/97
- Best of Breed CBR Club of Canada’ National Show
Taraglen Against All Reason
– Sep 98, 10 months old bitch, won Best In Show Puppy in Canada.
CH Sand Bars My Little
Marker JH O/Channa Beth
Butcher, ACC Natl 2003 JAM and in the Top 10 in US showing.
CH* Chesany Sumerduck
Soaring Eagle –O/Judy
Thomas multiple group placer
HRCH Redlion’s Big Jake MH - O/Austin Dillon
CH Redlion’s Come Back Hudson - O/Jane Pappler and Bob Bowden 2 legs on
MBIS CH* Quail Run's Ozark Mtn
- O/Dana Bleifer, Two All-Breed
Best in Shows,
2000 JAM ACC National Show,
mBOB Westminster
CH Redlion's Come Back
Chipotle CDX, RE, JH, WDX, FMX, CGC
– daughter Maddy is QAA
CH Redlion’s Come Back Hudson
hunting dog and 2 legs on MH
Am/Can CH Redlion's Come Back Barret*** QA2, TDX, JH, DS Multiple field
trial completions. Made breed history - see
Stud page