Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Am/Can Ch Redlion's
Hay Stack
OFA9849 Good, OFA
EL1890 normal,
EYE504/2015-63, PRA-A by parentage, OFA CA195
clear, DM carrier,
OFA EIC158 clear
PKP1 clear, Long Coat clear, DOB 10-8-09

Ch River Ridge Open to
the Public JH WD CWC Dam: Redlion's Rich and Strange
Fee: $1500
A deposit of $300 is due at the time of breeding with the balance of the
stud fee payable when puppies are 7 days old.
If the female is not pregnant no additional money is due.
View and Print:
Hay Stack's Pedigree

3 months
3.5 mo
4 months
5 mo
5.5 mo
6 months 9
Hay Stack
won two Best in Puppy Sweepstakes and two BOS in Puppy Sweepstakes


Brantford, Ontario, Canada 12-4-11
new Canadian
Show Champion
finishing with 5 wins in 5 shows in one weekend |
Valley Forge KC in Oaks, PA
U.S. Show Champion
Hay Stack

March, 2014 |
US Shows
07-31-10 Greenville, SC Best in
Puppy Sweepstakes 10-07-10 Morris KC, NJ BOS in Puppy Sweepstakes 10-24-10 South Jersey KC ACC supported entry, BOS in Sweepstakes 11-18-10 KC of Philadelphia Best in Puppy Sweepstakes 09-23-11
ACC National Specialty Show Winners Dog and Best of winners
11-7-12 Talbot KC WD 1 pt 11-15-12 Penn Treaty WD 1 pt
11-6-13 Talbot KC Winners Dog
and Best of Winners 3 pts
11-17-13 Kennel Club of Philadelphia KC
Winners Dog 3 pts
Valley Forge KC
pts New
Show Champion!
Canada Shows
12-2-11 Brantford, Ontario WD/BW 1 pt 12-3-11 Brantford, ONT Winners Dog 2 pts 12-3-11 CBRCC National Specialty WD 2 pts
12-4-11 CBRCC Regional Specialty BOB/BW/WD 5
pts new Canadian Show Champion !!
12-4-11 Brantford, ONT WD/BW 2pts
