The Choking
Up Method for Corrections
This is a
safe and one of the most effective forms of easy correction for
a dog, from a young puppy through adulthood & for the Owners!
What to do
when your dog is growling, too much barking, showing teeth and/or
First, Never let a dog get away with any of these. If so, they do it bigger
and better the next time and it makes it that much harder to correct if they
do it multiple times. If the dog does this when you want to pick him up,
move him off the bed, when he is over-barking, growling at a person or other
dog or growling at you over the food dish, do the following-----
Use the
"choking up method" for correction. This is fool proof and totally works
and can be done by man or woman and is not hard on the dog and gets
immediate results. --- Have a choke collar and leash on the dog with the
collar up high around the dog’s neck, close to the ears. Hold the leash at
the bottom just a few inches up from the snap where it meets the collar.
When the dog does the unwanted behavior, slowly just lift the leash and dog
straight up in the air slightly until the front feet are off the ground, and
in a normal voice be telling the dog No, no, no.... The dog will "gag" once
or twice. When it does gently lower the dog and say -- No, sit. If he
responds great. Once he is sitting perfectly still for a few seconds, pat on
the chest and say good boy, good boy. Make him sit still for a few seconds
or longer for an older dog. In most cases, the dog will fight you some, if
it's a big dog they will fight a lot. But, you must win the situation and
have the dog stop growling and submit to you. Otherwise they will never stop
this behavior and it will worsen and they will be biting you and then
someone else.
You will have
to do this exercise at least 2 times, maybe 3 but it can be a space of time
in between. But be ready for it and do it immediately when it happens. This
is the best and safest way to correct your dog. If done properly, the dog
has no choice but to quit the bad behavior, what ever it is, as he has to
gag and he can't get at you or bite you in return. If it is a bigger dog,
be careful as the dog's normal reaction is to possibly bite and snap as he
is being choked. Hold your hands in front of you on the leash and your
elbows out and keep him out in front of you. With this type of correction
it is not "physical" to the dog and he doesn't hold it against you
personally as he doesn't realize you are the one doing it to him but he
knows he is submitting to you. A dog learns and trusts us because he is
submissive to us and we are the pack leader. All un-wanted behavior is
because he knows you are not in control.
If the
choking isn’t quite getting the job done you can add the “cuff up under the
When you are holding the dog up high by the leash, also come up strongly
under his chin with your open flat hand. This “cuff” will make him bite his
tongue. This works very well, especially with young dogs. They learn that it
will hurt if they growl etc. They don’t hold anything against you, as it
doesn’t appear the corrections are coming from you.
You should
never have to give-in to the dog and what he wants. You are the owner and
the master so make him behave and do what you want. If a puppy does this at
3-7 months what will he/she be like at age 2 when they are really "their own
boss"? Don't let problems continue with the sure change of people getting
hurt in the future.
** If a dog is
young/puppy, you can pick him up by the scruff on the back of the neck, just
like a mother dog would do. Hold him there and give the cuff up under the
chin with the open flat hand. At about 4 months of age the
collar/leash will work better.
I have
helped many a pet owner, all different breeds, be able to get their pet
under control. Many puppies were nipping and had continued jumping and
biting problems with the children and then it escalated to adults. First it
was over the food dish, then the toys, then over anything they picked up
with growling, uncontrolled barking, then biting and then unwanted attacks.
Don't wait till the dog is unmanageable and a year or two old!!! At
this point, many dogs now have an ingrained way of behavior and can't always
be "reconditioned" and can't be given to anyone else either and euthanasia
is the only answer. Unfortunately this does happen way too often.
Thanks and good luck with your training, Jane Pappler