Chesapeake Bay
Redlion's Notorious Wren ***c, CQFTR, MH, WDQ, CGC - "Wren"
OFA9375Good, OFA EYE187/2015-89, OFA EL1562 normal, OFA DM273 carrier,
PRA-B, OFA EIC87 clear, 8-12-07, SR448661/05

Redlion's Notorious ***c QFTR MH WDQ CJH CGC
Redlion's Go Pink
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Wren's Pedigree
10-16-16 Potomac Valley Golden RC -
Wren completed her Master Hunter title and is now AM GCH/Can CH Redlion's
Notorious Wren***c QA2 MH WDQ CGC. Being "partners" with a dog is a very special
thing between the two of you. I have had this special relationship with Wren and
couldn't be more proud of her and our accomplishments. Co-owner John Wiacek and I
shared running her in the field trials. She stayed with me when John moved to
Oklahoma to continue getting all her titles. Wren will be retiring soon in OK with
John and Helen.
Junior Hunter
5-18-08 Susquehanna Hunt Test
5-31-08 Hudson Highlands HRA
6-1-08 Hudson Highlands HRA
6-7-08 Keystone RC
finished JH Title
Senior Hunter
7-25-10 Labrador RC 1st leg
8-28-10 Keystone RC 2nd leg
11-7-10 Del Bay RC 3rd leg
6-11-11 Keystone RC 4th leg finished
SH Title
Master Hunter
9-19-15 Lab RC of Greater Boston 1st leg
9-27-15 Mid-Atlantic RC of VA 2nd leg
11-8-15 Susquehanna RC 3rd leg
9-11-16 Labrador Club of the Potomac 4th Master Hunter
10-16-16 Potomac Valley Golden Retriever Club - 5th Master Hunger leg
finished MH Title
U.S. Field Trials
8-15-08 Shrewsbury River RC - first trial – Derby 4th
9-5-08 South Jersey RC – Derby JAM
4-10-09 South Jersey RC - Derby Reserve Jam
4-17-09 Shrewsbury River RC Derby 2nd
4-26-09 Labrador RC Glasgow, DE Derby Jam
5-03-09 Maryland RC Derby 2nd
5-31-09 Swamp Dog RC, Winslow, NJ Derby JAM
Total Derby Points – 7
7/24/10 Labrador Elkton, MD Qualifying 3rd
9-12-10 South Jersey RC
Qualifying Jam
9-22-10 ACC Field Trial Specialty Qualifying JAM
10-24-10 Del Bay RC
Qualifying Rsv JAM
4-16-11 Shrewsbury RC
Qualifying 3rd
4-29-11 Labrador RC
Qualifying Jam
9-30-11 Swamp Dog Club
Qualifying Rsv JAM
8-17-12 Shewsbury River RC Qualifying Rsv JAM
4-20-13 Shrewsbury River RC Qualifying JAM
10-26-13 Tidewater RC Qualifying 3rd Jane
10-30-13 ACC National Specialty FT Qualifying 2nd
Qualified All-Age dog!!!!!
10-30-13 ACC National Specialty FT Open Rsv JAM
10-31-13 ACC National Specialty FT Amateur JAM
7-23-14 ACC National Specialty FT WA Open JAM
7-24-14 ACC National Specialty FT WA Amateur 2nd
10-14-15 ACC National Specialty FT KY Open Rsv JAM
Canada Field Trials
6/14/09 Long Point RC
Junior 2nd H/Lorne Langevin 3 pts
7/26/09 Labrador Owners Club Junior 1st H/Lorraine
Hare 5 pts Total Junior Points – 8
7-20-13 Labrador Owners RC Qualifying CM
H/Lorne Langevin
8-2-13 Northern Ontario RC Qualifying 2nd H/Lorne
new Qualified All-Age dog!!!!!
8-3-13 Algoma RC
Qualifying 2nd H/Lorne Langevin
8-18-13 Sunpoke Hunting RC Qualifying CM H/Lorne Langevin
8-25-13 Moncton RC
Qualifying 3rd H/Lorne Langevin
South Western Ontario Retriever Training Club Amateur CM
5-28 -11 Monmouth Co KC WB/BW 1 pt
2-5-12 Boardwalk KC WB/BW 3 pts
10-20-12 Gloucester Co KC WB 3 pts
11-9-13 Salisbury Maryland KC WB/BW 4 pts
11-10-13 Mispillion KC WB/BW 4 pts
new Show Champion!!
11-16-13 Philadelphia KC ACC Supported Entry - Best of Opposite Sex
Philadelphia KC
Best of Opposite Sex
12-7-13 Valley Forge
Best of Opposite Sex
12-8-13 Valley Forge
Select Bitch
11-11-15 Penn Treaty Select Bitch
11-12-15 Greater
Philadelphia KC BOB & Best O/H & Owner Handler Group 4
11-20-15 South Windsor KC Select Bitch
11-21-15 Windham Co KC Select Bitch
12-11-15 Delaware Water Gap KC BOB
New Grand Champion
Canada Shows
6-21-13 Kingston & District KC, Ontario, Canada WB 3 pts
6-22-13 WB 3 pts and
Bred-by-Exhibitor in Show!!
6-22-13 CBR Club of Canada National Specialty Show - WB, BW. JAM 3
6-23-13 Kingston & District KC WB 2 pts
new Canadian Show Champion!
Other Titles
2008 MA Show Specialty - WDX
9-25-11 ACC National Show PA - WDQ
9-25-11 ACC National Show PA - CGC title